NEWS Ozfish: International Day of Action for RiversTransformation on the Murry River Restoration of Bottle Bend Reserve On the 28th International Day of Action for Rivers, we celebrate the inspiring restoration of Bottle Bend Reserve on the Murray River in NSW - a powerful example of what community and collaboration can achieve. Once severely degraded, Bottle Bend is now a flourishing ecosystem, [...]Read moreUPPER NAMOI WATER IN THE LANDSCAPE SYMPOSIUMUpper Namoi Water In the Landscape Symposium Tamworth - March 17th 2025 WATER SYMPOSIUM The first project to be hosted by the Alliance is the Upper Namoi Water Symposium on Monday March 17, 2025 at the Mercure Tamworth. Details of the symposium The symposium, facilitated by Stephanie Cameron, will involve brief presentations on the issues from [...]Read moreInternational Women’s Day (IWD)Celebrating the Women in Landcare Landcare wouldn’t be where it is today without these women - our members, volunteers, staff, Board, organisational partners, and supporters who give their time, knowledge, and passion to care for the land, the environment, and their communities. Whether they’re restoring habitats, leading workshops, mentoring the next generation, or working behind [...]Read moreLandcare Enabling Program updateNSW Landcare Enabling Program Join our Communities of Practice Got a passion for a specific Landcare related topic? How can we harness our collective intelligence and experience around topics of shared need and interest? Why not join one of our specific community of practice groups! Mapping & GIS in Landcare Youth and inclusion in Landcare [...]Read moreGovernance Check UpLNSW Governance Check-up The Governance Check-up is part of a two-part project delivered by Randall Pearce of Think: Insight & Advice. The Governance and Strategy Check-up was commissioned in 2024 to review the organisation's governance and set a new strategy. A common consultation exercise was held to feed both projects. It was made up of: [...]Read moreA Message from our Board of DirectorsAdapting for a sustainable future... Finances "Landcare NSW is evolving to meet the changing needs of our organization and community. While our core programs remain strong and fully operational - including the Landcare Enabling Program, BCT Public Land Conservation Matters, and the Creating Canopies project - we are implementing strategic changes to ensure our long-term [...]Read moreJourneying together to Acknowledge Country and PeopleCoolamon Landcare co-created an Acknowledgment of Country Coolamon Landcare co-created an Acknowledgment of Country Reflecting their genuine connection and respect for First Nations People and culture. Landcare groups often find themselves uncertain about how to approach an Acknowledgment of Country. Many worry that without a deep understanding of First Nations Culture, their Acknowledgment might feel tokenistic [...]Read morePrivate Land Conservation MattersEver wondered what happens to all those feedback surveys? If you’ve attended one of the 107 Private Land Conservation Matters events in the past 18 months, you’ve likely filled out a feedback survey. Thanks to the 725 participants who shared their thoughts, we’ve gained valuable insights. About 75% of attendees identified as “other landholder broader community [...]Read moreGrowing Through ChangeGROWING THROUGH CHANGE: LANDCARE NSW in 2024 Message from Gareth Johnston, Chair of Landcare NSW: The past year has showcased the remarkable adaptability and unwavering spirit of Landcare NSW's network of dedicated volunteers and community leaders. A standout demonstration of this commitment has been our volunteer Board of Directors, who stepped forward to take direct [...]Read moreParliamentary Friends of Landcare2024 Parliamentary Friends of Landcare - Trees in the House In November, Landcare NSW proudly co-hosted the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare ‘Trees in the House’ event in the beautiful Speakers Garden at NSW Parliament House, highlighting the dedication and achievements of Landcare members and volunteers across the state. The NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare, [...]Read moreDonate and make a real differenceYour Donations Really Matter to Us Spare change? Help make change today... every donation builds a stronger future {{ vc_btn: }} CONTRIBUTE NOW & WIN* All Tax Deductible donations of $25 and above received for Landcare NSW from 19 November 2024 until 19 January 2025 will go in the draw to win* 1x Adult [...]Read moreGreater Sydney LandcareWildVenture Landcare for Young Adults WildVenture creates flexible, social events that engage young people in environmental restoration, building community and empowering them to connect with nature in Sydney. The Issue Young people in Sydney are becoming increasingly disconnected from nature and facing issues like eco-anxiety, digital isolation, and a loss of community. Many struggle to [...]Read moreWestern LandcareSoil Ya Undies The use of the ‘Soil Ya Undies’ activity to promote soil health education in primary schools throughout Western New South Wales (NSW). The Issue The challenge was to create an activity that could be taken to schools as part of the Western Landcare School Education Program to highlight the importance of soil [...]Read moreOzFish Collaboration With Landcare NSWRestoring Fish Habitat and Waterway Health Restoring New South Wales’ (NSW) waterways is essential to preserving fish habitats, supporting biodiversity, and fostering sustainable communities. The Issue NSW waterways are facing significant ecological challenges, with declining fish populations, degraded riverbanks, and diminishing in-stream habitat impacting aquatic ecosystems and recreational fishing. Restoring these habitats is essential to [...]Read moreClarence LandcareEngaging Gumbaynggirr Youth - South Grafton Dunggirr (Koalas) Working with local primary schools to engage their Aboriginal students to gain knowledge and understanding about the local koalas. The Issue Clarence Landcare was contracted to engage Gumbaynggirr youth for future koala projects in the South Grafton area. The Gillwinga and St Josephs primary schools are across [...]Read moreGranite Borders Landcare CommitteeFire Ant Workshop Fire ant biosecurity property management planning for risk reduction. The Issue Fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) can quickly degrade the ecological, productive and lifestyle benefits of our landscape. Fire ants infest around 600,000 ha in South East Queensland, close to the New South Wales (NSW) boarder, which poses an ongoing risk of new [...]Read moreParliamentary Friends of Landcare 2024: ’Trees in the House’ Event Case StudiesLandcare NSW is proud to co-host the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare (PFL) 'Trees in the House’ 2024 event, presenting case studies that highlight Landcare NSW’s community-led approach to natural resource management and its inclusive motto, "Landcare is for Everyone". Established in 2015, the PFL provides a unique platform for NSW Members of Parliament from [...]Read moreCelebrating 25 Years of Landcare IllawarraA Night of Connection & Reflection Landcare Illawarra recently celebrated their 25th birthday. Like many 25-year-olds, Landcare Illawarra seemed confident, skilled, and somewhat mature...yet youthful. The celebration was held on a mild October evening at Curry's Mountain Estate, a beautiful location and great supporter of Landcare in the Illawarra. Attending this event was not just [...]Read moreCreating Canopies’ 200,000th Tree PlantingLandcare NSW was thrilled to join Greater Sydney Landcare, Greg Warren MP Member for Campbelltown, LNSW Board Member Steve Bunnell, and our wonderful volunteers to help plant the 200,000th tree of the Creating Canopies project since its inception in 2020. The planting celebration took place at Campbelltown Hospital in September next to a hillside location [...]Read moreLandcare Hero SpotlightSue O’Brien (Corowa District Landcare) Sue O'Brien from Corowa has been a dedicated Landcare volunteer since its inception, focusing on improving local environments and cherishing the friendships formed along the way. Sue’s passion for nature began in 1969, when her family moved to Mount Evelyn, Victoria. Her mum was a keen bird observer and orchid [...]Read moreLandcare and Disaster ResilienceDisaster Preparedness & Resilience Through Community We are well aware of the climate change induced challenges that we now face. Building resilience through preparedness and adaptation is something built into the DNA of Landcare. This piece aims to offer some insight into what Landcare is already doing in relation to disasters, and that because of [...]Read moreLeadership Announcement for Landcare NSWAnnouncement: Leadership changes at Landcare NSW "Dear Landcare NSW Community, I hope this message finds you well and as Chair of the Board, I wish to share this important news regarding our leadership at Landcare NSW. As of Thursday 19th September, Turlough Guerin has resigned from his position as CEO of Landcare NSW to explore [...]Read moreLANDCARE NSW SEEKS INDIGENOUS LEADER FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORSARE YOU AN INDIGENOUS LEADER? The Nominations Committee are now seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Independent Director role. The Nominations Committee are now seeking applications from people of Aboriginal &/or Torres Strait Islander background who are interested in joining the Board of Landcare NSW, the peak body for Landcare in the state. Landcare [...]Read moreJoin Our 200k Tree Planting Celebration!A Milestone Event On Saturday 14 September 2024, join Greater Sydney Landcare and Landcare NSW at Campbelltown Hospital to help us plant the 200,000th tree of the Creating Canopies project. It will be a fun day of community, celebration, and environmental action. Launched in 2020, Creating Canopies, funded by the NSW Government under the Greening [...]Read moreLandcare State Gathering to focus on Adaptation and InnovationOver 160 Landcarers and community partners from across NSW will make their way to Manly next week as part of the NSW Landcare Enabling Program State Gathering. The Gathering runs from Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st August 2024, and is an opportunity for the network of Regional Landcare Coordinators, Regional Administration Support Officers, Local Landcare [...]Read moreWork with Landcare NSWLandcare NSW Communications Coordinator Role Available Position Purpose and Scope: The Communications Coordinator plays a central role in engaging and supporting Landcare NSW community members, groups, and networks through effective communication strategies. This role is responsible for managing communications platforms, producing and delivering content aligned with Landcare NSW’s strategic goals, and ensuring that the organisation [...]Read moreLandcare Broken Hill project gives hopeThe Imperial Lakes Nature Park is slowly taking shape with help from volunteers and the group from Broken Hill Corrections. (ABC Broken Hill: Oliver Brown) The Restoration of Imperial Lakes Landcare NSW was thrilled to see ABC Broken Hill publish an article authored by Oliver Brown about the Imperial Lakes site restoration being undertaken by [...]Read moreStrengthening GovernanceLandcare NSW's Commitment to Risk Management Landcare NSW is proud to announce a significant milestone in our journey toward enhanced governance: the introduction of our Risk Appetite Statement. This strategic initiative reflects our dedication to maintaining the highest standards in managing the various risks we encounter, ensuring we remain aligned with our mission of supporting [...]Read moreCollaborations and PartnershipsStrengthening Community Engagement and Environmental Stewardship At Landcare NSW, we are dedicated to expanding opportunities for community engagement and enhancing environmental stewardship through various collaborations and partnerships. Our efforts are aimed at integrating community-based initiatives with broader environmental and biosecurity strategies. Here’s a glimpse into our recent activities, showcasing the dynamic work being done under [...]Read moreMAKING CONSERVATION MATTERJoin the Private Land Conservation Program The Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) program, funded by the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT), is making significant strides across New South Wales. With regional coordinators in place, we've successfully hosted 46 events, engaging 1,436 attendees, including 824 landholders. Our ambitious goal of 100 events and reaching 2,000 landholders is [...]Read morePROTECTING INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGEIP Australia's Initiatives Indigenous Knowledge (IK), which encompasses the traditional practices, skills, and cultural expressions of Australia's First Nations people, is a vital part of our cultural heritage. Recognising the challenges in protecting this knowledge within the existing Intellectual Property (IP) system, IP Australia has implemented measures to safeguard and promote IK. Key initiatives include [...]Read moreNSW GOVERNMENT APPSHelping Land Managers Make Data-backed Decisions The NSW government has developed a suite of apps to help land managers make better informed, data backed, land management decisions. Developed by scientists in the Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water, the apps draw on years of research and development to make the most accurate, [...]Read moreA PRACTICAL GUIDE TO PLANTING TUBESTOCK PADDOCK TREESA VITAL RESOURCE FOR CENTRAL NSW FARMERS RECOGNISED BY HELEN DALTON MP The recently published book, A Practical Guide to Planting Tubestock Paddock Trees, authored by John Baker, from Hovells Creek Landcare has been hailed as an invaluable resource for landholders and farmers in central NSW. This comprehensive guide provides detailed insights into the [...]Read moreLANDCARE AUSTRALIA COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAMNOW OPEN! As part of Landcare Australia’s celebration of 35 years of Landcare Australia and landcare as a national movement, the 2024 Landcare Australia Community Grants program will support local landcare and community environmental groups across Australia to deliver projects that address priority issues for the group, community and/or the environment. The Landcare Australia Community [...]Read moreMESSAGE FROM THE CEOLANDCARE NSW: AMPLIFYING REGIONAL VOICES FOR EFFECTIVE ADVOCACY As the CEO of Landcare NSW, I am committed to ensuring that the voices of our diverse regions resonate powerfully in our advocacy efforts with government and parliament. Our recent State Advisory Council (SAC) meeting in August provided a wealth of insights into the unique challenges and [...]Read moreCelebrate National Tree Day:Join Us in Creating Canopies in Liverpool On Saturday 27 July 2024, join Greater Sydney Landcare and Liverpool City Council at Schoeffel Park for an unforgettable morning of tree planting, community bonding and family fun. This event is part of Creating Canopies, a multi-year project by Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare to plant 200,000 [...]Read moreCelebrate National Tree Day:Plant Trees at Lizard Log for National Tree Day Greater Sydney Landcare is calling for volunteers to plant trees at Lizard Log in Western Sydney Parklands, Abbotsbury on National Tree Day – Sunday 28 July from 8am. This event is part of Creating Canopies – a multi-year project by Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare [...]Read moreLandcare NSW Embarks on Governance and Strategy Check-upLandcare NSW Embarks on Governance and Strategy Check-up Landcare NSW is excited to announce the commencement of a "Governance & Strategy Check-up" project. This initiative comes as we take stock of the governance changes implemented two years ago and navigate the final two years of the Landcare Enabling Program. We have contracted with Randall Pearce [...]Read moreScaling up LandcareScaling up Landcare A Collaborative Approach for Statewide Impact At Landcare NSW, we recognise the growing interest in and need for large-scale environmental and natural resource management (NRM) projects. Over the past year, various NSW government agencies and internal groups have expressed their eagerness to collaborate with Landcare NSW to implement broader initiatives that have [...]Read moreFocusing on LandcarersMeet Nakita Thackwray: Nakita Thackwray, Founder of Carbon Stock, is a young leader in sustainable agriculture. Her commitment to Landcare and environmental stewardship drives positive impacts nationally. Nakita is an emerging young female leader within the field of Australian sustainable agriculture. Her unwavering commitment to Landcare and environmental sustainability, combined with her extensive experience, continue [...]Read more Share This Page: