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MUSTERS - Landcare NSW


2022 Landcare NSW Muster

At this free event, we explored:
– How do we create a culture that enables the NSW Landcare community to be more resilient?
– Helping Landcarers do what they love

The Landcare NSW Muster is the primary in-person engagement and idea-sharing forum for Landcare Member groups and their volunteers.

This is a grassroots event, facilitated and organised by our fabulous volunteer Landcare members for our members. Landcare NSW’s aim is to listen to grassroots Landcarers who are out there making a difference caring for our land and to advocate on your behalf.

At the 2022 Landcare NSW Muster held in Darling Harbour Sydney, we showcased numerous projects from across the state.


The state of our Landcare organisation – Landcare NSW CEO, Turlough Guerin

Shaping the 2023-2026 NSW Landcare Program – NSW Landcare Program Business Support Leader, Terry Harkness

Community Cafe facilitated sessions – Linda Cavanagh and Marien Stark


Cultural Youth Camps April 2022 – During April 2022, three youth cultural camps for young Aboriginal people (16-25 years) were held in Newcastle, Sydney and Tamworth that provided connection to culture, identity and the natural environment. These camps were offered as part of the “Working Together” Aboriginal Communities Engagement Program.

The “Working Together” Aboriginal Communities Engagement Program is an initiative made possible by the NSW Landcare Program. A collaboration of Local Land Services NSW and Landcare NSW Inc. supported by the NSW Government.

Bush for Biodiversity (New England Landcare Network, Northern Tablelands region) – Thirty-eight people braved the wet cold weather on the 25th and 26th March 2022 at the Glen Innes Showground for Bush for Biodiversity.

This regional event organised and hosted by the New England Landcare Network (comprised of Glenrac, Gwymac, GBLC and SNEL), gathered landholders engaged in private land conservation to develop their knowledge and connect them with their peers.

The Protecting New England Biodiversity Project forms a regional manifestation of the state-wide Connecting Private Land Conservation initiative where Landcare NSW is working in partnership with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust to raise awareness and support private land conservation.

Healing Country & Community with Good Fire Practices project (Upper Shoalhaven Landcare, South East region) – This project was developed by Upper Shoalhaven Landcare. It was funded by the NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment through its Increasing Resilience to Climate Change Grants.

Bushfire mangrove recovery: Community-led efforts in the NSW South Coast (OceanWatch, South East region) – Mangroves are essential habitat where many aquatic animals live, feed and breed, including most coastal fishery catches, and they are invaluable for preventing coastal erosion. Mangroves are rarely affected by bushfires, but when they do their resilience is very poor, often resulting in the death of the plants and loss of this key fish habitat. OceanWatch Australia, in collaboration with MangroveWatch and local Landcare groups, worked towards assessing the bushfire damage and assisted the recovery of some mangrove areas in the NSW South Coast.

This Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery project has been supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for Wildlife and their Habitat.

OzFish + Landcare NSW Partnership – Driving Fish Habitat Action – OzFish has teamed up with Landcare NSW to revitalise, rejuvenate and refresh our fish habitat. There is 14,300 more trees along NSW waterways, 60 more snags, 30km of riverbank weeded, cleaned up and restored.

This project was made possible by the OzFish-Landcare NSW partnership – Driving Fish Habitat Action, with funding support from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trusts, BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing and the Tate Endowment Fund.

Creating Canopies in Urban Green Spaces (Greater Sydney Landcare Network) – Planting trees and shrubs on your land provides immense benefits including wildlife habitat, cooling down your local environment and positive engagement with your community.

Find out about the landholders who are already engaged with the Creating Canopies Program who collectively have already planted thousands of trees for habitat and community.

The trees are being planted as part of the NSW Premier’s Priority Greening Our City, to increase the tree canopy and green cover across Greater Sydney. Funding has been provided to Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare Network as part of the NSW Government’s $2.1 million investment and partnership with Landcare to plant 100,000 new trees across Greater Sydney.

Building Bio-Bridges for a shifting Climate (North Coast Regional Landcare Network) – We know our climate is shifting, and we also know there are plenty of ways we can help. You can help it along by re-wilding, by building bio-bridges in your back yards, paddocks and along river banks.

“Whether you’re a farmer, a landholder, a renter, or just wanting to get out there and get involved in your community, there’s a lot of different ways that you can participate in landscape restoration and in supporting Bio-Bridges.”

North Coast Regional Landcare Network and the Rising Strong Project acknowledges that this short film was created on the traditional lands of the Bundjalung Nation. We pay our deepest respects to First Nations people past, present and emerging and recognise the crucial role of listening, learning and continuing to build and strengthen relationships with local First Nations communities.

This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust.


Since 2007, Landcare NSW has hosted a biennial Muster to gather feedback from grassroots Landcarers about issues of importance to them and their Landcare communities.

The NSW Landcare Muster is an opportunity for the diverse Landcare community from across NSW to capture collective issues and consistent themes. The guiding ethos, ‘Many Hands, One Voice’, defines and guides the actions and outcomes of the Landcare NSW Muster and the future directions of the organisation and movement.

Previous Musters have been held in;

  • 2022 – Darling Harbour, Sydney
  • 2019 – Broken Hill (Western Landcare)
  • 2017 – Albury (Murray Landcare Collective)
  • 2015 – Orange (Central Tablelands Landcare)
  • 2013 – Newcastle (Hunter Regional Landcare Network)
  • 2011 – Parkes (Central West)
  • 2009 – Port Macquarie (Mid Coast 2 Tops)
  • 2008 – Queanbeyan (Highlands)
  • 2007 – Tamworth (Northern Tablelands)
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