Landcare NSW

Video Launch for Bridges to Boorowa

A brand new video has been launched by Landcare NSW to showcase the Parliamentary Friends of Landcare celebration of the Building Bridges to Boorowa Landcare/Bushcare program.

The short six minute video tells the heartwarming story of the 17 year partnership between Sydney-based Bushcare volunteers and the Boorowa farming community.

Every year since its inception 17 years ago, around 30 Sydney-based volunteers have travelled to Boorowa, a farming community near Young, to lend a hand to local Landcarers and farmers. The volunteers plant native trees, shrubs and groundcovers to create wildlife corridors and address environmental degradation such as erosion and salinity.

An event held earlier this year saw Landcarers, Bushcarers, students and parliamentarians gathered at the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability in Sydney to celebrate the positive impact of city and country volunteers.

This event was the first reciprocal visit, with a group of 50 children, farmers and Landcarers from Boorowa making the 670km round trip to plant native species in a precious area of bushland on Sydney Harbour.

Building Bridges to Boorowa is a successful partnership that has achieved remarkable results.  Over 50,000 trees have been planted on more than 40 properties in the Boorowa region creating benefits for local and migratory wildlife (including threatened species such as the Superb Parrot).

Without the support of these city volunteers, planting on this scale would be difficult and costly.

The video captures the conversation between two long term participants in the partnership – farmer Steve Jarvis and Bushcare volunteer Sissy Stewart – facilitated by the Hon Katrina Hodgkinson MP, chair of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare.

For the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare (PFL) the event was an opportunity to see firsthand how Landcare is helping local communities.  The PFL continues a longstanding tradition of bipartisan support Landcare has enjoyed since it started nearly 30 years ago.


The Land (Mon 1st May 2017)

The ABC Country Hour (Mon 1st May 2017)

Minister Blair – Legislative Council (Wed 3rd May 2017)

For further information contact:

Landcare NSW

Leigh McLaughlin – 0412 234 832

Cassie Price – 0402 408 791

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