Landcare NSW is seeking funding to continue and scale up its grassroots efforts tackling climate action in local communities, developing stronger connections between Landcare and Aboriginal Communities, and driving sustainable agriculture on ground environmental outcomes across the state.
Leading into the NSW State Election on Saturday, 25 March 2023, Landcare NSW is calling on all political representatives to support the Landcare movement and commit to funding an enhanced program requiring a $59 million investment over the next four years, 2023 – 2027.
Together with NSW Local Land Services, Landcare NSW submitted a business case to the NSW Minister for Agriculture and Shadow Minister in November 2022.
The business case outlines why a bold, fully optimised Program funding of $59 million is needed over four years to provide further support, and build on the success and momentum created through the NSW Landcare Program in 2019 – 2023.
A condensed version of the Business Case is provided.
Landcare NSW welcomed the announcement by Greens MP and spokesperson for the environment, Sue Higginson, who has called on both Labor and the Coalition to join The Greens NSW and take a tri-partisan approach to the NSW Landcare program and deliver a $59 million funding commitment over the next four years.
Landcare NSW CEO Turlough Guerin said: “It is imperative that the Government continues to fund Landcare in NSW and the 100 regional and rural jobs it supports through the NSW Landcare Program. Landcare across NSW stands ready to help the Government respond to the many environmental challenges we all face.
“If Landcare does not receive a funding commitment to continue the state-wide Program beyond June 2023, we fear the momentum and resources our groups provide to support communities will be significantly compromised as will the on-ground work we are able to deliver.”
The current Program which supports the employment of 84 Regional and Local Landcare Coordinators and support staff hosted by community Landcare organisations across regional and rural NSW is due to finish on 30 June 2023. Without a funding commitment by the NSW Government these highly skilled and critical staff funded through the Program are likely to seek other work with more job security.
“As a predominantly volunteer movement, we rely upon funding support to assist the Government to achieves its own outcomes to build the capacity and longevity of positive environmental and agricultural on-ground outcomes,” said Dr Guerin.
For more information:
NSW Landcare Program – funding beyond 2023 – Landcare NSW
NSW Landcare Program Funding 2023-2027 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Photo shows: The Regional and Local Landcare Coordinators whose employment is dependent on funding provided by the NSW Government through the NSW Landcare Program.