Saving Our Species Program – a call to action

A Call to Action: Contributing to the Saving Our Species Program with Landcare NSW

Landcare NSW is reaching out to all community members to participate in an important conservation effort through the “Saving Our Species” (SoS) program.

The NSW Government’s SoS program recently released 71 draft conservation strategies aimed at protecting threatened species and ecological communities across New South Wales, with public consultation (for individuals) open until May 3, 2024.

However, if you would like to participate in Landcare NSW’s consolidated feedback, then you can submit your feedback to no later than 15 May 2024.

Here are the proposed conservation strategies for the 71 species now on exhibition thanks to the SoS program: Saving our Species draft conservation strategies | NSW Environment and Heritage

This is the first of multiple exhibitions that the SOS program is releasing so look out for these on the SOS website. The next tranche (of strategies) is expected to be published in early May.

If you want to be notified of these releases or would like to discuss any aspects of the SoS program, send an email to the SOS Program at:

Compiling Collective Feedback:

Landcare NSW will compile all feedback from these collaborative efforts into a summary document that reflects both detailed and overarching suggestions from the Landcare community.

Engagement and Impact:

This initiative is open to everyone in the conservation community, whether they are currently affiliated with Landcare NSW or not. By engaging in this consultation, participants can influence the strategies that will shape the future of our natural heritage.

We encourage all interested parties to come forward and share their expertise. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the conservation efforts in New South Wales.

Please send your comments to no later than 15 May 2024.

Media Release: Sowing the seeds for renewal in the Eurobodalla

Landcarers have been sowing the seeds for renewal to ensure the future of the last remaining species of Warty Zieria in the Eurobodalla.

A small bush with delicate white flowers, there are only 3,000 remaining in the wild meaning that the work undertaken by Eurobodalla Landcare is crucial in its recovery and reestablishment.

It’s been two years since bushfires ravaged much of the east coast of NSW, and since the fires invasive species such as Lantana have flourished without any competition hindering the recovery of the more delicate species.

Funding through the Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants will ensure that local landholders will have the resources to remove the hardy invasive species and work to ensure widespread recovery of Warty Zieria.

Eurobodalla Shire Council Environment Project Officer, Tom Gear, says the involvement of a collaboration of private landholders and widespread community engagement will mean that habitat opportunities may increase for Warty Zieria.

“This project is about building community collaboration and participation in protecting and supporting threatened species.

“Most of the habitat of the remaining plants is on private land and so community-led involvement means we are helping everyone take a targeted widespread approach to recovery,” says Tom.

The project, held at Tilba on the South Coast of NSW, will be held at six key management sites and involve the managers of all land tenure where the species is known to exist.

Tom said the project will work with landholders to deal with invasive species such as Lantana and Blackberry and help support and identify existing sites.

“Warty Zieria is very habitat-specific, and its distribution isn’t wide. It can be found primarily on rocky habitat with shallow soils and a northerly aspect so we will be working directly with private landholders with weed control to help free up habitat areas so that existing plants can thrive.

“The wider Central Tilba and Tilba Tilba community, including residents and local landholders, Tilba Landcare and business owners will also be engaged in this project through education events and opportunities.”

The Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery project has been supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for Wildlife and their Habitat.

Key statistics

– Warty Zieria (Zieria tuberculata) is exclusively found in the Tilba area around the base of Mt Guluga and Najanuga

– The project includes provision of spray packs that can be borrowed by residents to assist weed control in Warty Zieria habitat.

– Given the species preference for shallow rocky soils, we can target potential and existing Warty Zieria habitat with our weed control efforts.

– Community education on the species is vital, many locals aren’t aware of the species and its limited distribution or its Vulnerable Conservation Status.

Media contact:

Samantha Stratton / Landcare NSW /

Eurobodalla Shire Council/ p: 4474 1000 e: