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stronger together Archives - Landcare NSW

MEDIA RELEASE: Local Land Services and Landcare NSW Stronger Together

27th January, 2021

Local Land Services and Landcare NSW Stronger Together

Landcarers across NSW will continue to benefit from the thriving partnership between Local Land Services (LLS) and Landcare NSW, after the two organisations refreshed and re-signed their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Following a year of drought, bushfires and floods, in 2021 the organisations are committed to empowering local communities and Landcare groups to deliver sustainable agriculture and to best manage the state’s natural resources.

LLS Chair Richard Bull said the MOU cements the collaboration between LLS and Landcare NSW and will ensure relationships between the organisations’ vast regional networks will go from strength to strength.

“The relationship between LLS and Landcare NSW has been extremely fruitful and rewarding, and we certainly look forward to building on that success in the future,” Mr Bull said.

“By recommitting to this partnership we are not only working together to achieve better landscape outcomes, but we are putting ourselves in the best position to adapt and build on the success of our various projects.

“Both organisations have a common aim to improve our state’s natural resources and better manage our landscapes – this MOU gives us that delivery vehicle.”

Landcare NSW Chairperson Stephanie Cameron said signing the new MOU is an important step for the organisations, which first committed to the partnership in 2015.

“The MOU plays an important role in guiding the collegiate culture, co-governance, co-design and joint leadership of our flagship project – the Landcare NSW Program,” Mrs Cameron said.

“Landcare NSW is incredibly proud of the partnership to date with extensive outcomes achieved across the state to better care for our lands.”

The NSW Government’s NSW Landcare Program continues to underpin the partnership, supporting the organisational capacity of Landcare NSW by investing $22.4 million over four years to expand the highly successful Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative.

The program employs 12 Regional Landcare Coordinators and 72 Local Landcare Coordinators across NSW that work directly with Landcare groups to improve their governance, communication, partnerships and ability to coordinate on ground activities.

Around 60,000 people in NSW identify as being Landcarers, and they are supported by almost 3,000 Landcare Groups.

Photo: LLS Chair Richard Bull and Landcare NSW Chairperson Stephanie Cameron signing the new MOU.

Supporting Document: MOU Landcare NSW and Local Land Services 

MEDIA: Matthew Burgess, NSW Local Land Services, 0412 795 307
Samantha Stratton, Landcare NSW, 0486 767 955