Landcare NSW is pleased to present the Landcare NSW Board of Directors for 2024.
In November 2023 we saw the transition of Directors off the Board; the appointment of new Office Bearers; and as of January 23rd, we welcome three new Board Directors to the Board.
We would like to officially welcome our new Directors:
Bruce Maynard: from electoral zone Central Tablelands & Central West
Matilda Ferguson: from electoral zone Western
Wayne Chaffey: from electoral zone Northern Tablelands & North West
These appointments fill casual vacancies which where left by the transition of two long standing contributors, Stephanie Cameron and Hunter White, who both retired from the Board after serving their full allowed Terms; along with the stepping down of Howard Jones.
We extend our sincerest gratitude to Stephanie Cameron and Hunter White for their invaluable contributions as Chair and Treasurer, respectively.
Their dedication to our principle of “Landcare is People Care” has profoundly shaped our direction and approach and in recognition of their invaluable service, they have been granted Honorary Life Membership to Landcare NSW.

With the transition of these two key Directors off the Board, new leadership was established with the Office Bearer roles being appointed ahead of the AGM in November 2023. This welcomed Gareth Johnston as Chair, Steve Bunnell as Vice Chair, Kathy Kelly as Treasurer and the returning of Lyn Thomson as Secretary.