Are you an Aboriginal artist or designer living in NSW?

Are you an Aboriginal artist or designer living in NSW?

Landcare NSW, under the NSW Landcare Program 2019-2023, invites Aboriginal artists from anywhere in NSW to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) concept proposal to produce a commissioned artwork, accompanied by a name and a story, that depicts the theme of “Aboriginal communities and Landcare communities working together for healthy landscapes”.

We are looking to create a visual brand and title/name to help build the profile of the Program, so it becomes easily recognisable throughout Landcare and Aboriginal communities. Expressions of interest close 18 September 2020.

Expressions of Interest form, including the guidelines, can be accessed online here.

The Coordinator Activity Tracker

The Coordinator Activity Tracker – Changing the way Landcare Coordinators count the numbers that matter!

This month the NSW Landcare Program launched the Coordinator Activity Tracker. A revolution in how Local and Regional Landcare Coordinators capture and communicate data about the activities they deliver in our Landcare Communities.

Imagine having the power in your hands to capture data about the local activities your delivering, now imagine that data automatically coming together real time with the data of over 80 other Coordinators from right across NSW to tell the story of Landcare.

The Coordinator Activity Tracker delivers just that to our network of Coordinators. It records data on all the widgets, indicators and measures most captured by Landcare and importantly, most commonly required by funding bodies. This breaks the “black box” of reporting, where data so commonly only goes in and doesn’t come back out. The Tracker will not only provide the capacity for Landcare and Local Land Services to champion the efforts of Landcare at the state level but will provide a database that all Local and Regional Coordinators can access to use for reporting, funding applications and communications.

Collecting local data has always been a massive challenge for Landcare, bringing that data together from across the state to form a common picture of the impact the Coordinator network is having has seemed impossible… until now.

For more information on the Coordinator Activity Tracker, reach out to your Local or Regional Landcare Coordinator.

The Coordinator Activity Tracker is an initiative of the NSW Landcare Program, a collaboration between Landcare NSW and Local Land Services.




Celebrating year one of the NSW Landcare Program in Landcare Week.

Landcare NSW and Local Land Services are celebrating Landcare Week, 3-9 August, and marking the first anniversary of the NSW Landcare Program, a true collaboration between the NSW Government, Landcare NSW and the 60,000 volunteers who care for our landscapes.

Local Land Services Chair Richard Bull said the four-year, $22.4 million program has generated a huge opportunity to support well connected, sustainable and productive communities, and has been a phenomenal success in its first year.

“Despite drought, fire, floods and a pandemic our Landcare volunteers and coordinators have shown their dedication and continue to deliver for our farms, our environment and our future,” he said.

The innovative co-design, co-governance and co-delivery model of the program means that NSW Local Land Services and Landcare NSW continue to be active across all corners and land tenures, from Broken Hill to Bellingen and everywhere in between.

“In North Western NSW alone, there are an estimated 1,080 Landcare projects underway- that’s an enormous achievement in these challenging conditions and a testament to the network of Local and Regional Landcare Coordinators and our local LLS staff,” Mr Bull said.

The program supports high quality regional jobs by employing 12 Regional Landcare Coordinators and 72 part-time Local Landcare Coordinators who have assisted more than 1,300 active volunteers over the past year alone.

Chair of Landcare NSW, Stephanie Cameron, said she was proud to lead a Landcare team who continually shows resilience, adaptability and purpose for the benefit of their communities.

“The NSW Landcare Program demonstrates what can be achieved when we all work together with a shared purpose of protecting our environment and agricultural resources.”

“Whether it’s planting trees to support threatened species, practising regenerative agriculture, taking part in cultural burns or working in urban Landcare, this partnership is empowering Landcarers to take positive action for our future,” Ms Cameron said.

Mr Bull said a shared vision was essential to the success of the program, and Landcare Week is the perfect time to celebrate and congratulate Landcarers who work all year round, not just during Landcare Week.

The success of this program lies in its people and the can-do attitude of this partnership.”

Ms Cameron said Landcare is for everyone.

“Landcare is about collaboration in learning, community and social connection which enables change towards more sustainable practices.”

“Everyone from farmers and fishers to citizen scientists can get involved and make a difference not just for the health of the land, but for the health of their community.”

For more information contact: (Jodie/Samantha)

Case studies available to media

The following case studies represent the diversity of work undertaken by Landcare groups.

  1. OceanWatch Australia Tip to Tide
  2. Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia, Environmental Champions Program
  3. Northern Slopes Landcare Incorporated Soils Benchmarking
  4. Murrumbidgee Landcare Incorporated Establishing Valuable Shelter Belts
  5. Manning Landcare Incorporated Post Drought, Fire Mental Health First Aid
  6. Lachlandcare Weaving Magic and Murrin Bridge
  7. Glenrac Incorporated – Local Community Champions
  8. Eurobodalla Landcare – Clean-up for the Clyde – (little penguins) 
  9. Yass Valley Paddock Tree project

Landcare Week 3 – 9 August 2020

Get connected with the environment in your local community.

Landcare Week celebrates and acknowledges the thousands of Landcare groups, networks, coordinators, other environmental care groups, and volunteers working on conservation and sustainable land management activities in their local area. You may wish to mark the week by inviting your local Member of Parliament to join the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare (PFL). To do this, download a template letter here and please attach the PFL application form.

This year National Landcare Week will run from August 3 to 9 and celebrates the strength of Landcare and its ability to support the needs of a diverse community and respond to issues, such as drought and bush fires.

Connecting with nature improves your mental and connection to place. Landcare is about the partnerships created by local communities to restore and protect their local environment.

To be able to do this Landcare often partners with a range of groups, government agencies and non-profit organisations.

In 2019 Landcare NSW continued its partnership with the NSW Local Land Services to deliver the new NSW Landcare Program.

The program aims to improve the health of our environment and natural resources through greater participation in Landcare activities.

As part of the program, 72 part-time local coordinators and 12 regional coordinators across NSW are employed to support Landcare initiatives from grass roots activities to regional scale activities.

You can support your local group activities and meet other people who have a shared vision for conservation and sustainable land management. No matter where you live there is a group near you managing a local environmental issue. Find your local Landcare group here.

NSW Landcare Program Update – July

The NSW Landcare Program is moving towards online delivery for the remainder of the year.

As Landcarers know, there is nothing better than getting together to hear of accomplishments, debate ways forward, design new projects and just celebrate being in Landcare with people who care about our land and its future. Sadly, this avenue of face to face options has diminished as we continue to work with COVID-19 restrictions. We will not be able to hold a State-wide Gathering for our Local and Regional Landcare Coordinators and Host Organisation members this calendar year.

The NSW Landcare Program Team under the guidance of Landcare NSW and Local Land Services will instead deliver an online series of webinars, chats and innovative live broadcasts to help answer questions and guide Landcare support activities in NSW for the remaining of 2020.

To help plan activities a calendar of webinars will be released August 2020. The online events will pick up on the themes that were planned for the Gathering, but have also have drawn on the core skills survey, feedback from other webinars and the Community of Practice planning to ensure both content and delivery is in tune with direct needs. They will be recorded and will be available online, to Local and Regional Coordinators as well as Host Organisations, through our information and communications systems such as Gateway. We are aware that many Landcarers will already be engaging in other events on line and the calendar is to help with planning.

Our plan is to make them innovative, informative, fun, engaging and stimulating…Always up for a challenge!

Look out for the online webinar calendar soon with further updates of the NSW Landcare Program’s successful first year and snapshots of what the Landcare community is up to across the state.


Landcare NSW COVID-19 update – July 2020

As we move into the second half of the year, the days and months since the first official announcement of COVID-19 have changed the framework of how we conduct our lives and work. 

In an environment where each week and day can be different from the next, we would like to reach out to remind you to continue to take appropriate measures within your Landcare workplace and work sites.

As of July 6, the NSW Government states that no more than 20 people are allowed to gather outside in a public place and all businesses can now open and operate under the one person per 4 square metre rule.

For some types of businesses, you are required to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan. Find out about developing a COVID-19 Safety Plan for your business.

Ongoing recommendations remain in place for any vulnerable members of the community.

For many of our Landcare groups this has been a trying time and we would like to thank our entire community for the flexibility and strength that they have shown in these past months.

However, we would remind our members who have insurance through Ceneta and Community Underwriting, of the statement they released on Friday March 20 via Landcare NSW stating that:

“The advice they have given for Landcare groups holding events is as follows:

 We are unable to cover events where the attendees exceed either the current federal or state advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups.

– Where events are conducted with attendees less than the government recommendation, we recommend an organisation to undertake a risk assessment taking in the government advice.

An update as of July 6, 2020 is as follows:

If the groups are acting within the government rules and taking all reasonable care and precautions, there would seem to be no reason an event could not proceed, particularly if their own risk assessment suggests it is O.K.

There is no exclusion for COVID-19 in the policy wording but reinsurers globally are moving fairly quickly to impose them.

All new business and renewals from 1 July will be subject to new wordings which include a Listed Human Disease Exclusion.

As the majority of Landcare groups renewed before the new policy wording was released on 1 July, they are subject to the original wording which does not exclude COVID19.

However please note that Indemnity under any policy depends on the specific facts of any particular incident and terms and conditions.”

This response remains in place and is guided by the State and Federal guidelines.

We encourage you to speak directly to your insurance provider should you have event specific queries and visit NSW Health to see updated guidelines in response to each event you hold.

Additionally, NSW Workplace Health and Safety has guidelines and a risk assessment in response to COVID-19 to help guide you and your activities during this time.

Here at Landcare NSW our staff are still working remotely where practicable and we are registered as a COVID-19 safe workplace.

As always, we are only a phone, email, or social media message away.

Stay up to date with current advice as circumstances change and review your activities and risk management accordingly. Visit

Above all, practice healthy hygiene and always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Landcare NSW COVID-19 update

Please check the NSW Government website for the most up to date information.

We understand that you may have many questions on what to do with your Landcare group as restrictions are eased. The NSW Government has eased certain restrictions with further changes coming from 1 July.

We’d like to update you on the measures we’re taking at Landcare NSW.

To ensure we are providing a safe workplace, Landcare NSW has registered as a COVID Safe business. However, there are some things that need to be completed but we are on our way.

We strongly recommend all Landcare NSW member groups complete the check list for your workplaces (offices, events, working bee site, etc) and register as a safe work place:

  • Register at
  • Download and complete the check lists
  • You should complete the list with staff, volunteers before going to the next step
  • Register as a COVID19 safe workplace (including volunteers)
  • Display this on all sites (website, social media, etc).

If any groups can not comply with this then they are NOT COVID Safe. It is up to your group to ensure that you are acting consistently with current regulations.

All volunteer Landcare activities must be conducted in accordance with current legal requirements in place in NSW. Rules regarding gatherings and movement outside of home have changed and are likely to continue to change. It is up to you and your group to ensure you act in accordance with these requirements and check with your insurance provider before undertaking activities.

For all insurance related questions, please contact your insurance provider directly.

Pay particular attention to the guidelines that apply to vulnerable people, who are encouraged to continue to stay home and protect their health, or take extra precautions when out and about.

For many of our Landcare groups this is a time of change and we would like to thank our entire community for the flexibility and strength that they have shown in these past weeks and months.

Stay up to date with current advice as circumstances change and review your activities and risk management accordingly. Above all, practice social distancing, healthy hygiene and always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Landcare NSW COVID-19 update – April 2020

As of Sunday, 30th March the Federal Government announced that no more than 2 people can be in an enclosed space within 1.5m of each other & any non-essential movements is to be restricted.

This also included recommendations that any people over the age of 70, those with a chronic illness aged over 60 or who have a chronic medical condition that leaves them vulnerable, and Indigenous Australians over the age of 50 should stay at home as much as practical.

Exemptions include: People of the same household gathering together; Funerals, where a maximum of 10 people can gather; Weddings, where there can be up to five people; Family units, which is understood to mean immediate family.

The National Cabinet also gave “strong guidance” for all Australians to stay home unless people were: Shopping for “food and necessary supplies”; Providing medical, healthcare or compassionate services; Exercising in a group of two; Working or studying if they could not do so remotely

For many of our Landcare groups this is a difficult task, however we would remind our members who have insurance through Community Underwriting that they released a statement on March 20 stating that: “The advice they have given for Landcare groups holding events is as follows: We are unable to cover events where the attendees exceed either the current federal or state advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups; Where events are conducted with attendees less than the government recommendation, we recommend an organisation to undertake a risk assessment taking in the government advice.”

Additionally, NSW Workplace Health & Safety has released guidelines to help guide you & your activities during this time.

The Federal Government has also released a Stimulus Package to support households & businesses & address the significant economic consequences of the Coronavirus. Further information is attached. Landcare Groups should talk to their financial advisers to see if they are eligible.

We do not take these times lightly, but we continue to work with all staff and partners across NSW to ensure that all projects & programs are supported beyond this crisis. We remind ourselves that Landcare has survived the devastation of drought, flood and fire. It will survive COVID-19.

Our programs and partnerships are still in place & on track. Grant and funding bodies are aware of current restrictions regarding deliverables and will work with groups to negotiate deadlines. The NSW Landcare Program team is working directly with all coordinators to ensure that any deliverables are flexible and realistic. Should you wish to discuss your concerns, please contact Natasha English via email

Above all, practice healthy hygiene & always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Landcare NSW


Fact Sheet – Supporting Businesses

Federal Government Stimulus Package further information

Landcare NSW COVID-19 Communications Update

March Update – NSW Landcare Program 2019 – 2023

The NSW Landcare Program has well and truly established a solid foundation with 72 local Landcare Coordinators and 12 Regional Landcare Coordinators now working to support the networks and groups across the state.

The NSW Landcare Program is a state, regional and local investment in the partnership between Local Land Services and Landcare NSW, empowering people to take action on local problems and deliver outcomes across local and regional issues.

The NSW Landcare and Local Land Services Conference held in Broken Hill in October 2019, demonstrated the strength of the partnership with government and highlighted the social networks, individual and group efforts that are the lifeblood of the Landcare movement in NSW.

The NSW Landcare Program 2019 – 2023 builds on the previous Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative, and is a collaborative endeavour of Local Land Services and Landcare NSW, supported by the NSW Government and overseen by a Joint Management Committee.

**In May 2020, the program will bring all coordinators and a member of our host organisations to Dubbo with the theme of “Nurturing our Networks”. The event will introduce the program and its components and how volunteer members and coordinators will be supported to work toward delivering on the program outcomes.  An important part of the program will be to demonstrate through data, the critical value Landcare provides in addressing the current environmental challenges.

 A key focus of the gathering is providing the opportunity for networking, peer to peer learning and information to support the coordinators and hosts in the work they do.

To find out who the Local and Regional Landcare Coordinators for your area are click below:

Regional and Local Landcare Coordinators

** UPDATE – As at 18 March 2020, the Joint Management Committee met to discuss the NSW Landcare Program and the perceived risk to bringing everyone in the Landcare Program across the state to meet in May in Dubbo.

Effectively it was felt that due to the uncertainty around infection rates of COVID-19 and other complicating factors, it would be unfair to ask everyone to attend in person from around the State.

We will postpone this event and work toward a new date that is suitable.

We would ask that you immediately cancel any accommodation and travel arrangements.