Scaling up Landcare

Scaling up Landcare

A Collaborative Approach for Statewide Impact

At Landcare NSW, we recognise the growing interest in and need for large-scale environmental and natural resource management (NRM) projects. Over the past year, various NSW government agencies and internal groups have expressed their eagerness to collaborate with Landcare NSW to implement broader initiatives that have the potential to create significant statewide impact. This aligns well with several State and National grant programs that emphasise large-scale results. 

To effectively deliver these ambitious projects, Landcare NSW aims to work closely with Landcarers across the State. We are committed to developing streamlined procedures and protocols that will allow us to respond quickly and efficiently when opportunities arise. This collaboration will ensure that all stakeholders’ needs are met and project objectives are achieved seamlessly. 

Currently, Landcare Regions and Landcare NSW are engaged in a statewide private land conservation program funded through the Biodiversity Conservation Trust. Additionally, initial discussions are underway with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development about involving Landcare in Biosecurity Emergency Response and Surveillance. Our goal is to finalise these procedures and protocols soon, enabling us to leverage new opportunities and resources to address shared concerns or offer services on a fee-for-service basis. 

Insights from the State Advisory Council Meeting 

During the recent State Advisory Council meeting, the importance of quality, bottom-up consultation, early engagement, and building strong relationships with regions was emphasised. It was discussed that there is a need for streamlined reporting, targeted involvement based on a detailed interest matrix, and normalising preventative protocols at all events. These steps will ensure efforts are aligned with regional needs and capabilities, enabling the effective addressing of critical environmental and NRM issues. 

Grant Consultation Process: Seeking Your Input 

Landcare NSW is committed to simplifying the process for applying to statewide projects and establishing a Regional Consultation process. To design this effectively, a series of consultation sessions will be conducted with guidance from our State Advisory Council. Regional Representatives and volunteers are invited to provide their insights on the key features necessary for an effective Regional Consultation process. Key considerations include who needs to be consulted, realistic timeframes, barriers to success, and communication methods. Your feedback is critically important to ensure efforts align with regional needs and capabilities. If you wish to join future working groups, please reach out to us. 

If you are interested in participating in the development of these procedures and protocols, please contact Peter Dixon at