Landcare NSW Embarks on Governance and Strategy Check-up

Landcare NSW Embarks on Governance and Strategy Check-up

Landcare NSW is excited to announce the commencement of a “Governance & Strategy Check-up” project. This initiative comes as we take stock of the governance changes implemented two years ago and navigate the final two years of the Landcare Enabling Program. 

We have contracted with Randall Pearce of THINK: Insight & Advice to facilitate this dual process.  Randall is not only an expert in not-for-profit management and governance but he knows Landcare and Landcare NSW well.   

Key Highlights:

  • Extensive consultation with stakeholders, including interviews and focus groups. 
  • Strategic planning to diversify revenue sources and ensure financial sustainability. 
  • A critical State Advisory Council (SAC)/Board Forum in November to co-design and sensible further governance changes with the State Advisory Council and the Board. 
  • Hosting three in-person workshops across the state for broader engagement. 


Strategic Planning: With potential reductions in government funding, our next strategic plan will almost certainly focus on securing our financial self-sustainability. Randall Pearce will conduct key informant interviews with stakeholders, including government partners, NRM associations, thought leaders, and potential corporate sponsors. This comprehensive approach will culminate in a day-long planning session in September, involving the Board and selected guests, to chart the future course for Landcare NSW. 

Art of Hosting South East Landcare

Governance & Membership: Building on the transformative 2022 governance reforms he supported Landcare NSW to undertake, Randall will conduct four focus groups with local and regional Landcarers to understand the impact of the reforms from your perspectiveHe will also enquire about your membership structures and how we might better connect local groups with your State Peak.   This initiative will include a ¾ day State Advisory Council (SAC)/Board Forum in November to consider sensible next governance steps.   Insights from this forum will inform a discussion paper for local groups to consider further with an aim to strengthen Landcare NSW as your  representative and to better support our groups. 

Further Consultation: We are also planning three in-person events across the state later this year to socialise the strategy and co-design new and improved governance arrangements. 

We believe this collaborative and inclusive approach will ensure the continued success and sustainability of Landcare in NSW. Randall Pearce’s expertise and deep understanding of Landcare NSW will guide us through this period.

We invite all members to actively participate and share their insights, ensuring that our community’s needs and perspectives are at the heart of our future plans. 

Stay tuned for updates on this exciting journey towards a stronger, more sustainable Landcare NSW. 

Please reach out to our office for further information:

Phone: 02 8339 4816


Insurance for Members

Landcare NSW reduces insurance costs for Members

While Landcare NSW’s insurance package is already quite competitive, there’s always room for improvement, especially in these tough economic times.

After some tough negotiations between LNSW staff and a variety of insurance brokers and others, we secured a three percent discount on insurance costs, which we’ve passed on to our members.

In the lead up to pricing for the 2024-25 membership/insurance cycle, we learnt that a group sourcing insurance on their own could expect to pay as much as three thousand dollars for the same cover offered by LNSW.

To take advantage of our very competitive cover, you must be an incorporated group and take up a LNSW membership – please get in touch with Mark Lawrence, our Membership Officer.

Insurance Webinar

On Monday, 24th June 2024, Landcare NSW hosted another webinar with representatives from AON Insurance Brokers to answer your questions on our Master Policy Insurance package and the extent of its coverage.

Topics covered included:

  • Public and Product liability
  • Association and Professional indemnity liability
  • Volunteer worker’s personal accident cover

If you’d like access to the recording please reach out to our Membership Officer.

Insurance Claims – Simplified for Your Peace of Mind

Recently, some groups have expressed concerns about potential administrative burdens related to the Landcare NSW Insurance program.

There’s a misconception that making an insurance claim involves a lot of extra work for the groups or their member organisations. Let’s clear that up: Landcare NSW handles the heavy lifting when it comes to claim management.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Landcare NSW Manages Claims: The policies covering your group are managed by Landcare NSW. If you need to submit a claim, our team will handle most of the work.
  • Minimal Administrative Work: Over the past period, there has been only one claim, which was managed efficiently by our staff with minimal input required from the claimant.

Steps to Submit an Insurance Claim:

  • Contact Us: Call or email the Membership Officer, Mark Lawrence, to initiate your claim.
  • Provide Basic Information: Answer a few questions and complete the claim form we send you. This is the main administrative task you’ll need to do.
  • Submit the Form: Return the completed form and we’ll handle the rest.
  • Additional Information: If the insurer requires more details, we’ll reach out to you for the necessary information.

Thanks to the robust procedures our member groups have in place, our overall risk is well-managed, helping to keep claims to a minimum.

If you have any questions about making claims or need assistance with anything else, please feel free to contact your Membership Officer.

Contact our Membership Officer – Mark Lawrence:

Email: or

Phone during office hours 02 8339 4816 or directly 0414 537 379

Landcare NSW Membership and Insurance Renewals for 2024-2025

What You Need to Know

As we edge closer to June 2024, it’s time for us all to prepare for the annual membership and insurance renewals. In today’s economic climate, where the cost of living continues to rise, we recognise that renewal time can pose challenges and we’re committed to doing what we can to keep costs fair and reasonable, while adding value to your membership wherever possible.

Understanding Our Costs

To ensure we continue to offer the best possible value, we have been actively negotiating and comparing the market rates for our insurance cover.  For perspective, here’s what a hypothetical Landcare group with twelve members would pay for the same coverage:

  • Public Liability Cover: $1,300
  • Association Liability: $700
  • Personal Accident: $450
  • Plus GST

This totals $2,450 for a year’s coverage, highlighting the significant savings our group arrangement offers—akin to the cost for four small group memberships at our current rates.

Upcoming Changes

While some cost increases for the 2024-25 period are inevitable, we’re aiming to keep them to a minimum wherever we can. And when things are tight, you need to know exactly what your money is buying – so, we’re separating insurance and membership costs in our invoicing, so you can see exactly what you’re paying for.

Enhanced Benefits

We’re not only trying to keep our costs as low as possible; we’re also working to increase the value of your membership. For example, once our new insurance broker is appointed, we’ll host another Insurance Webinar, following on from the success of last year’s program. These webinars will be offered monthly, with guest speakers and special interest topics. The webinar series will also give you a voice and a forum to share your ideas and experiences with other Landcarers.

Advocacy and Support

We understand that during tough economic times, the support of a strong community is more important than ever. And that’s a big part of what Landcare NSW offers its members your continued membership ensures that Landcare NSW can continue to advocate on your behalf to state politicians and parliamentarians, and to government agency executives.  And advocacy isn’t just for the bigger issues – we’re here to help you resolve problems at all levels. This is a critical and core function of Landcare NSW and an important service for our members.

Program Participation

Active membership is crucial for those wishing to participate in the Landcare Enabling Program (LEP). Keeping your membership current is essential to accessing those benefits associated with the Program.

Pricing Considerations

As far as pricing is concerned, there’s a few factors to consider as we head towards the 2024-25 cycle. The ongoing cost-of-living situation that affects us all, coupled with our own very tight administration budget, makes it difficult to calculate pricing that’s both fair and effective.

But we’re doing our best to find the middle ground. You can be assured that we’ll always put your interests first as we work towards providing cost-effective and valuable memberships.

As we began to receive our quotes and make our calculations, we’ll be keeping you informed as regularly and as early as we can.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, you can get in touch with our Membership Officer any time via

Landcare NSW and BCT Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) Project Update

Landcare NSW and BCT Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) Project Update

The Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) Project is an initiative by Landcare NSW and BCT aimed at advancing conservation efforts on private lands. In this update, we provide highlights on the project’s progress, communication plan, workplan reviews by Landcare groups, insights from a presentation by the Natural Resources Commission (NRC), and the involvement of BCT’s Regional Managers in shaping its future direction.

1. Project Progress and Communication Plan: The current number of proposed events (106) exceeds the initial Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of 100, with the majority of funding allocated. A communication plan has been developed and is pending review. Sincere thanks to everyone involved in the creation, collation, and coordination of the co-designed regional workplans, especially given the additional demands around Landcare funding applications in recent months. The recent Steering Committee meeting (Landcare NSW and BCT) was excited by the variety of delivery mechanisms and the diversity of topics covered in the plans.

2. Workplan Review by Landcare Groups: Twelve workplans were submitted from all regions. The committee appreciated the diversity of delivery mechanisms and topics, including mycology, cultural burns, and citizen science. A need for more transparent data about costing and clarity on staff time accounting in project plans was identified.

3. Presentation by Natural Resources Commission (NRC): The evaluation plan will be finalised in mid-December 2023. Key evaluation questions will include the project’s outcomes, capacity building in conservation management, engagement with the BCT, and Landcare groups’ development. Throughout the life of this project, the MERI process will be requiring some information from project leads and we will be in touch with templates and information for data capture in the new year. This important data will help us showcase the great work you’re all doing in support of future projects.

4. Involvement of BCT’s Regional Managers and Future Meetings: They will be kept informed about activities in their regions through the monthly updating of the workplans. It was agreed to schedule future steering committee meetings quarterly.

For more information, please contact Suzanne Pritchard, Program Manager, Private Land Conservation Matters,

Landcare NSW Calls for Stronger Action and Enhanced Collaboration in Invasive Species Management

In a detailed submission to the Natural Resources Commission NSW’s Invasive Species Management Review, Landcare NSW Inc., a pivotal community environmental organisation, has highlighted the critical need for improved strategies and collaborative efforts to combat invasive species across New South Wales. The submission, led by CEO Dr. Turlough Guerin, presents a compelling case for strategic intervention and community engagement.

Reflecting on the extensive work of Landcare NSW, Dr. Guerin stated, “Our involvement in invasive species management has been long-standing and deeply impactful. From managing threats to bolstering ecosystem resilience, we’ve witnessed the significant challenges invasive species present to our communities and natural environments.”

He further emphasised the need for strategic collaboration, saying, “Our submission urges a transformation in how invasive species are managed. We advocate for a cooperative culture and strategic approach, recognising the importance of integrating biosecurity with biodiversity management to enhance ecosystem health and resilience.”

Community Involvement and Strategic Recommendations

Landcare NSW’s submission underscores the importance of engaging government, non-government organisations, and the community in a unified strategy against invasive species. The organisation calls for a thorough review of funding strategies, enhanced cross-agency collaboration, and better integration of biosecurity with biodiversity management.

Highlighting Landcare NSW’s Role

The submission proposes that the Natural Resources Commission recognise Landcare’s unique position and expertise in invasive species management. Dr. Guerin noted, “Our network’s depth of experience across various environmental settings positions us as a key partner in managing these challenges.”

Addressing Climate Change and Future Challenges

The impact of climate change on invasive species management is a key concern in the submission. “Adapting to climate-induced changes is crucial for effective invasive species management,” Dr. Guerin pointed out, suggesting strategic use of natural events like droughts and fires in controlling invasive species. “We aim to enhance the resilience of ecosystems and agricultural systems against invasive species. Collaborating with government and communities is essential to achieve this goal.”

Landcare NSW Unveils Ambitious 5-Year Strategic Plan

Landcare NSW has launched its Strategic Business Plan for 2022-2027, charting an ambitious roadmap to drive the Landcare movement in New South Wales towards a brighter, more sustainable future.

The plan, available for review on the Landcare NSW website, focuses on four pivotal pillars:

  • member-centredness,
  • community-led action,
  • sustainable landscapes,
  • and effective partnerships.

Among its standout objectives is the goal to propel the Landcare movement to a staggering 1 million participants by 2040. This audacious target is rooted in strategies aimed at providing stability, bolstering memberships, increasing engagement, and affirming the organisation’s credentials as a trusted partner in natural resource management.

Turlough Guerin, CEO of Landcare NSW, commented on the plan’s release, stating, “The goals we’ve set are both challenging and entirely achievable. At the heart of this vision is the trust we build within our teams, our network of coordinators, the State Advisory Council, the Board, and our partners. Recognising the irreplaceable value of grassroots volunteers remains central to our ethos.”

The plan also underscores a commitment to exceed obligations to the current Landcare Program, concluding in July 2023. There’s a strong advocacy push for an enhanced state-based care program funded by the NSW Government for 2023-2027. This commitment further solidifies Landcare NSW’s dedication to its mission and the communities it serves.

Another highlight of the plan is the ‘Digitalisation Project’. This initiative will examine Landcare NSW’s current digital assets, assess the needs of its grassroots members, and co-design approaches to streamline on-ground tasks like data collection and reporting. The overarching objective is to simplify processes, allowing members to focus on their passion for the environment.

Landcare NSW is also spearheading the ‘Natural Capital Supply Chain’ project. This venture seeks to create a reliable seed library and tree nursery, ensuring Landcare groups and partners have consistent access to quality seeds and plants.

Furthermore, the organisation recognises the importance of culture. A dedicated ‘Culture Change Project’ aims to cultivate an atmosphere where people say, “I want to be part of that.” The vision is to foster a culture of collaboration, trust, and inclusivity, ensuring that all – from volunteers to executive volunteers and Team leaders – feel valued, included, and rewarded.

As Landcare NSW strides into the future, its emphasis on leadership development, collaboration with government agencies, and a unified national voice in environmental management and agricultural production positions the organisation as a beacon in environmental stewardship and a model of government and NGO collaboration.

For more information on the Landcare NSW 5-Year Strategic Plan and its numerous initiatives, please visit the official website at

Landcare NSW: Championing Sydney’s Environmental Resilience and Liveability

In the dynamic landscape of Sydney, a notable shift is underway. Landcare NSW is at the heart of this transition, a grassroots organisation driven by its commitment to bolster community well-being and environmental resilience.

With a series of programs, projects, community and government initiatives, and a deep sense of responsibility, Landcare NSW is weaving a tapestry of change aimed at making Sydney both more sustainable and liveable. But we are not restricted to improving Sydney – our footprint covers 60% of the State’s land area.

Our grassroots community at Landcare will be critical to ensure we are creating an environment that enables all communities of our State to be safer and better equipped to deal with the emerging and increasing risks from extreme weather, including heatwaves, fires, droughts and severe weather.

Landcare NSW is a beacon of positive change in New South Wales, advocating for community and environmental wellbeing. The organisation works tirelessly to enhance the natural landscape and empower local communities. Every region in Sydney has its own set of environmental needs. Landcare NSW acknowledges this diversity and has launched a series of localised projects.

From soil enrichment to maintaining native ecosystems, these ventures are tailor-made to address specific landscape challenges, ensuring areas are strengthened against potential adversities. This article delves into some of our disaster preparedness efforts, highlighting the significant strides made towards a greener, more resilient future for the State.

Disaster Risk Preparedness Project: Fortifying New South Wales Against Unforeseen Challenges

The increasing incidences of fires, droughts, and heatwaves in NSW are undeniable challenges. Recognising this, Landcare NSW is rolling its sleeves, working diligently to bolster community resilience. By offering educational sessions and resources, communities are better equipped with knowledge on fire-resistant plants, innovative water-saving techniques, and much more. The aim? A community that’s aware and proactive in facing nature’s challenges head-on.

Landcare NSW is pioneering the Disaster Risk Preparedness Project in collaboration with the NSW Reconstruction Authority (formerly known as Resilience NSW). This initiative underscores the pressing need for communities across New South Wales to be equipped and ready in the face of natural calamities.

At the heart of the project is a multi-pronged strategy. Firstly, it aims to educate and raise awareness among communities about the potential risks associated with natural disasters, be it fires, floods, or landslips. Through tailored workshops, information sessions, and hands-on training, residents have the tools and knowledge to respond swiftly and effectively.

Secondly, the project focuses on creating a blueprint for localities to follow when disaster strikes. This involves mapping out evacuation routes, establishing communication lines, and ensuring that essential services remain accessible.

The combined expertise of Landcare NSW, known for its grassroots community engagements, and the NSW Reconstruction Authority, with its vast experience in disaster management, ensures that the Disaster Risk Preparedness Project is not just about reacting to disasters but proactively preparing the State to face, mitigate, and recover from them.

Creating Canopies Project: A Collaborative Vision for a Greener Sydney

Sydney’s urban corridors are witnessing a surge in canopy areas. Landcare NSW is ensuring multifaceted benefits for the city by actively promoting and increasing tree coverage. More trees equate to reduced effects of urban heat, providing residents with cooler surroundings during peak summer. Additionally, trees play a pivotal role in improving air quality, adding both aesthetic charm and functional advantages. This initiative is geared towards making Sydney a haven for its residents, merging nature’s touch with urban sprawl.

The Creating Canopies Project represents a groundbreaking collaboration between Landcare NSW, Greater Sydney Landcare, and the NSW Department of Planning. Recognising the multifaceted benefits of increased urban greenery, this partnership is committed to enhancing Sydney’s canopy coverage and surroundings. At its core, the project aims to introduce more trees into the urban landscape. This mitigates the effects of urban heat and improves air quality and adds to the aesthetic appeal and mental well-being of Sydney’s residents. Beyond just planting, the initiative ensures that the right species are chosen for specific locales to maximise ecological balance and resilience.

By pooling the expertise of community-driven organisations like Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare with the regulatory and planning proficiency of the NSW Department of Planning, the Creating Canopies Project is set to make a lasting impact. The joint endeavour promises a more sustainable, liveable, and green Sydney, benefiting the environment and its people.

Natural Capital Supply Chain Project: Meeting Future Demands Head-On

One of the standout commitments in Landcare NSW’s current Strategic Plan is the Natural Capital Supply Chain Project, commonly called the Nursery Project. With foresight into the evolving environmental and economic needs of New South Wales, this project is meticulously designed to address the anticipated surge in demand for reliable sources of seeds, tube stock, and trees. As the economy and various sectors increasingly recognise the value of natural capital, the demand for these foundational elements becomes paramount.

With its extensive expertise and commitment, Landcare NSW is poised to become a linchpin in this emerging market. By ensuring the sourcing of these materials is appropriate and dependable, the organisation is creating a robust supply chain that can effectively cater to the multifaceted demands of natural capital markets. Furthermore, this initiative seamlessly aligns with Landcare NSW’s broader commitment to a Landcare Led Resilience Program, which we aspire to establish in the short term. This overarching program aims to fortify the natural environment and the communities within, ensuring long-term sustainability and resilience in the face of natural disaster challenges. By marrying strategic foresight with on-ground actions, Landcare NSW is solidifying its role as a environmental and community wellbeing leader.

A Strong Alliance with the NSW Government

The recent endorsement from the NSW Government, evident in the September 2023 NSW Budget Announcement, is a significant milestone for Landcare NSW. By funding its principal program from 2023 to 2027, the NSW Government and Parliament have displayed their confidence in Landcare NSW’s vision: A million Landarers by 2040. This partnership represents monetary support and a shared vision for a greener and resilient Sydney and the State. Landcare NSW is deeply grateful for its unwavering support from the NSW Government and Parliament. It also highlights the NSW Government’s trust in our capability and potential to be a highly trusted service delivery partner to ensure the future health and wellbeing of our environment and communities.

“In every patch of land we nurture, in every community we empower, there’s a promise of a brighter, stronger New South Wales. Together, we’re not just planting trees but sowing the seeds for a better tomorrow.”

NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare: Strengthening Ties for a Resilient Future

The NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare stands as a testament to the vital role that bipartisan support and collaboration play in fostering sustainable and resilient communities. This group, comprising members from across the political spectrum, signifies the importance of Landcare’s mission beyond politics—it’s about the shared vision of a thriving New South Wales.

This initiative has been instrumental in building bridges within Parliament, fostering dialogue, and promoting understanding of pressing environmental challenges and potential solutions. By acting as a conduit between Landcare NSW and the broader legislative body, the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare helps ensure a consistent and informed approach to environmental policy-making. Their endorsement and support provide Landcare NSW with amplified reach, enabling more communities across the State to benefit from well-resourced and impactful projects. With the backing of this influential parliamentary group, Landcare is not only gaining momentum but also ensuring that the mission to create resilient communities is deeply integrated into the State’s overarching vision for the future.

A Strong Future

While the impact of Landcare NSW is evident in the greater Sydney region, its commitment stretches far beyond the city’s limits. Landcare NSW recognises the ecological and communal nuances of the entire State, from the coastal areas to the riverine plains, from bustling regional hubs to serene rural pockets.

Our programs and projects span diverse terrains, focusing on each region’s unique challenges and opportunities. Our aspirations are high, as we envision a future where the synergy of community, a supporting government, and nature sets a global benchmark for environmental stewardship and resilience. At the heart of these initiatives is the core belief that every community deserves a thriving, sustainable environment, irrespective of its size or location. Landcare NSW ensures a holistic approach by addressing state-wide concerns, underscoring its commitment to the entire New South Wales community.

Landcare NSW stands at a pivotal juncture, bridging the aspirations of communities with tangible environmental solutions. The unwavering support from the NSW Government and Parliament further strengthens us on this journey.


– Dr Turlough Guerin, CEO, Landcare NSW

Landcare NSW experiences what Lithgow and Forbes Landcare Regions have to offer

Landcare NSW staff recently got out on the road to visit the Lithgow and Oberon Landcare Association (LOLA), the Wiradjuri Rangers out of Bogan Gate and the River Dreaming Aboriginal Corporation, based in Forbes.

LOLA’s Steve Fleischmann and Trish Kidd welcomed us for breakfast at the Tin Shed before taking us to see some of their great local works, including the lovely Lake Pillans Wetlands, almost destroyed by bushfires but rescued and maintained by the local Landcare community.

The scope of the work that LOLA has achieved at Lake Pillans is breathtaking and a must-see if you’re in the vicinity.

The next stop on our journey was Forbes, where we connected with Peter White of the Wiradjuri Cultural and Environmental Rangers, who was down from Bogan Gate for the day. Peter shared some details of the Ranger’s recent grant application (a clever solution to the vexed carp problem in our rivers – but we can’t give too much detail away here!)

Finally, we met Brett Smith, Director of River Dreaming Aboriginal Corporation. Brett is the driving force behind River Dreaming’s latest venture – River Dreaming Tours.

These tours include a guided canoe trip down the Lachlan River where participants learn about ‘looking after country’ from the original experts, like proud Wiradjuri men Russell Spencer, aka ‘the yellowbelly man’, an expert fisher and state finalist for NSW Senior Volunteer of the year in 2013 and Larry Towney, a former Senior Aboriginal Lands Services Officer with the Central West Local Land Services who has a real passion for drones!

The canoe trip down river comes ashore in the afternoon, in time for some well-earned rest before a sumptuous sit-down dinner by the firelight, catered by well-credentialled local outfit Eat Your Greens – no baked beans and mess tins on this expedition! Under the dazzling night sky, there’s something for the stargazers too; as Dark Skies Downunder, Trevor Leaman takes you on a journey to explore how our ‘world’s first astronomers’ intimate understanding of the night sky guided them in managing country.

A truly captivating experience.

It was a wonderful opportunity for us to get out and about in the world of Landcare and see firsthand the amazing work being done by our groups.

Please get in touch and tell us about your group and maybe invite us out for a visit – we’d love to meet you and learn more about your projects.

– Mark Lawrence, Membership & Business Support, Landcare NSW

From Pledges to Practices: How Landcare NSW Prioritises Genuine Commitment to Biodiversity

In an era dominated by sustainability jargon and many Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) pledges, it’s essential to discern between mere words and measurable action.

One organisation has been consistently leading by example – Landcare NSW.

Biodiversity Month, September 2023, was an opportune time to reflect on what genuine commitment to our environment looks like. While many tout their strategies and upcoming initiatives, Landcare NSW has been methodically working on the ground, ensuring the State of NSW’s 30 by 2030 commitments (aligned with international biodiversity benchmarks) are not merely aspirations but achievable targets.

We are not an organisation that rests on laurels (of any sort) or makes exaggerated promises. We are about demonstrable results. As such, we focus more on outcomes than on process. NSW’s rich biodiversity doesn’t benefit from future projections but from immediate and deliberate action – an ethos Landcare NSW embraces daily.

The relevance of NSW’s 30 by 2030 commitments extends beyond environmental benchmarks. It signifies a commitment to the legacy we leave for future generations, indicating that in NSW, we don’t just anticipate change – we initiate it.

However, the magnitude of such an endeavour requires collaboration.

True commitment to our environment isn’t measured by the promises we make but by our actions. Every tree planted every habitat restored, is a testament to NSW’s unwavering dedication to a sustainable future.

The Path Forward

For investors who recognise that genuine worth isn’t solely in financial metrics but in facilitating a sustainable legacy, consider this: Landcare NSW stands as a beacon of real environmental and community stewardship.

I challenge all ESG proponents to scrutinise their contributions: Are they merely declarations or avenues of genuine progress? The tangible results of Landcare NSW speak for themselves.

For those committed to a balanced and biodiverse NSW, now is the moment for action. We invite investors to align with an organisation whose primary focus is impactful, lasting change, not mere rhetoric.


– Dr Turlough Guerin, CEO, Landcare NSW

NOTICE of the 2023 Landcare NSW Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is an important event for Landcare NSW. Both the Chair’s Report and the audited Financial Report will be accessible to members prior to the meeting through the Governance link on the Landcare NSW website.

The business that will be conducted during the Annual General Meeting will be outlined in an agenda to follow.

The details regarding the Annual General Meeting are:
Date: Friday 10 November 2023
Time: 8:30am-9:30am
Location: Online via Zoom (link will be shared prior to meeting with those who register attendance)
Register your intent to attend: