New Partnership set to develop and deliver nature-based climate change mitigation and biodiversity projects in NSW

Landcare NSW has today announced it is partnering with South Pole, a leading project developer and global climate action expert, to develop climate action projects across NSW.

Landcare NSW CEO, Dr Adrian Zammit said the partnership is a natural fit for Landcare NSW whose mission is to care for our land, environment, and communities.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with South Pole to develop world-leading projects taking practical action to deal with climate change. We need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote nature-based carbon sequestration and this partnership is a step in the right direction.

“Our partnership will take an innovative approach to make lasting change. It will see the development of carbon credit projects that deliver real, tangible benefits to the local communities in which our Landcare groups and landholders live and work throughout NSW,” said Dr Zammit.

Dr Thomas Schroder, Head of Climate Action for South Pole said the partnership will allow both organisations to achieve strong environmental outcomes.

“Working with Landcare NSW to reduce and remove carbon emissions, as well as restore and protect our state’s unique biodiversity, is an exciting opportunity for South Pole,” said Dr Schroder.

“As well as supporting our national decarbonisation efforts, developing these projects with landholders and local Landcare groups can provide new revenue streams for farmers and property owners while leading to direct productivity gains and positive environmental outcomes on the ground.”

The partnership brings together South Pole’s global and local expertise as a project developer with Landcare NSW’s strong community network, creating opportunities for Landcare members across the whole state via the range of carbon and biodiversity project options available. Landcare NSW is currently identifying a number of regions for pilot projects.

A range of nature-based projects will be possible including soil carbon, human induced regeneration, beef cattle herd management and forest management. These can be registered with the Federal Government’s Clean Energy Regulator to generate Australian Carbon Credit Units, or with international voluntary carbon standards, such as Gold Standard or Verra. Biodiversity conservation projects will also form part of the offering, in light of the NSW Government’s Biodiversity Offset Scheme and voluntary standards. These projects not only generate on-farm benefits, they also sequester carbon and protect and restore biodiversity. This generates a revenue stream that pays the farmer to undertake necessary activities.

Landcare NSW is the peak representative body of community Landcare groups in NSW. Landcare is a community-driven approach to sustainable natural resource management with a focus on improving the resilience of the environment now and into the future.

South Pole is a global profit-for-purpose company and certified B Corp which develops emissions reduction and biodiversity projects across a range of methodologies and works with the private and the public sector to drive decarbonisation. Active in Australia since 2012, South Pole has a team of experts in local offices in Sydney and Melbourne, as well as regional representations.

Media contacts: 

Landcare NSW
Jodie Lovell – 0439 316 151

South Pole
Carly Youd – 0432 357 468

Presenters wanted for 2022 NSW Landcare & Local Land Services Conference

Farmers, Landcarers and community groups with a story to tell are being encouraged to submit their ideas for an opportunity to present at the 2022 NSW Landcare and Local Land Services Conference in Tweed Heads.

The conference theme is ‘Rethink, Renew, Recharge’ with presenters and workshop hosts being sought to share their experiences of recovering from natural disasters, as well as their ideas for creating a more resilient and sustainable future.

Local Land Services Board Acting Chair, Allison Harker said this is a fantastic opportunity for passionate individuals and community groups from across the state to present and discuss their insights with the broader Landcare community.

“Throughout NSW, we know there are incredible projects being carried out that are building more resilient, sustainable and productive landscapes and farming systems,” Ms Harker said.

“This conference is the perfect place to showcase them, so we can all learn from each other.

“Whether it’s regenerative agriculture, integrated pest management, or innovative ways to capitalise on the emerging natural markets like carbon farming, we want to hear from you.”

Interested presenters can find out more information and download their expression of interest form at, with submissions closing on Tuesday, 31 August 2021.

Landcare NSW Chair, Stephanie Cameron encouraged Landcarers from across the state to submit an expression of interest to share, learn and connect as a community.

“Given the recent challenges we have all faced and are still facing now, we are looking for presentations and workshops that showcase resilience, as well as how we can rethink, renew and recharge to create a sustainable future,“ Ms Cameron said.

“We encourage anyone involved in Landcare, natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, resilience and community empowerment to apply.”

Presenters will join the program alongside Resilience NSW Commissioner, and former Rural Fire Service Commissioner, Shane Fitzsimmons, who will be making the keynote presentation.

The Conference will take place on 15–17 March at the Mantra Twin Towns in Tweed Heads. Tickets will go on sale later this year.

Interested delegates and exhibitors can find updates at the conference website and by following ‘NSW Landcare and Local Land Services Conference’ on Facebook.

MEDIA: Matthew Burgess, Local Land Services, 0412 795 307

Landcarers Learn, Share and Connect at State Gathering

The recent NSW Landcare Program Gathering in Dubbo saw 133 Landcarers come together from across NSW to Learn, Share and Connect. Local and Regional Coordinators, Host Organisation representatives, members of the Landcare and Local Land Services Executive, Landcare NSW staff and the NSW Landcare Program Team enjoyed two jam-packed days with a mix of guest speakers, break-out sessions and presentations. Landcarers from Broken Hill to Boorowa and Botany immersed themselves in the gathering.

Uncle Lewis welcomed everyone to Country, with his singing and smoking ceremony before keynote speaker and wool, meat and grain producer Robbie Sefton opened proceedings and set the scene for the gathering with her humorous recollection of life in the late 80s in WA to her role on various boards including the Australia Day Council. Her insight into marketing was riveting. Mary Brell helped the Landcarers to get some insight into the way they think by delivering a workshop on the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument before Merryl Semple delivered a workshop on building resilience – something we could all relate to.

Concurrent sessions allowed participants to select their areas of interest with selections from Partnerships, the Coordinator Activity Tracker, Strategic Planning, social media and Human Resource management. Craig Aspinall the Landcare Program’s Aboriginal Communities Engagement Officer gave a presentation on the achievements of the ‘Working Together’ Program, for many this was one of the highlights according to the event evaluation. This is not to be overshadowed by the wonderful gifts bestowed by Aboriginal Program – Working Together merchandise like hats, water bottles, bags that was handed to participants on arrival.

Regional time was not forgotten as participants were given an opportunity to design the next iteration of the NSW Landcare Program. The take-away message was the importance of finally getting together face-to-face to Learn, Share and Connect and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to just have a yarn and socialise at the two dinner events. The next event is planned for 2023 with the location and venue yet to be decided.

 This initiative is made possible by the NSW Landcare Program. A collaboration between Landcare NSW and the Local Land Services, supported by the NSW Government. 

Shane Fitzsimmons to headline NSW Landcare & Local Land Services Conference 2022

Shane Fitzsimmons, Commissioner of Resilience NSW, will inspire the crowd in Tweed Heads as the keynote speaker for the NSW Landcare & Local Land Services Conference in 2022.

Commissioner Fitzsimmons will draw from his experiences as the former Commissioner of the Rural Fire Service (RFS), guiding NSW through the devastating 2019-20 bushfire season, to delve into a range of thought-provoking topics.

“Our recent experiences – from drought and bushfire, storm and flood, to COVID-19 – have shown us that collaboration is key to improving response, recovery and building resilience into the future,” Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

“This event is an opportunity to reflect, consider lessons learnt, and identify ways we can better work together and with the community to improve outcomes for all into the future.

“After being so actively involved in the bushfire response as the NSW RFS Commissioner, I’m now in the unique and privileged position of working with those same communities through their bushfire recovery as the Commissioner of Resilience NSW.

“As part of this event, I will share my personal experience of the 2019-20 bushfire season, provide an update on the recovery operation and outline my vision for a more aware, more prepared and more resilient NSW.”

Chairperson of Landcare NSW, Stephanie Cameron, welcomed the announcement that Commissioner Fitzsimmons will be the keynote speaker and said it will be a wonderful opportunity to learn from his experiences.

“This past year has shown how resilience and adaptability are critical in not only surviving, but thriving through these challenging times,” Mrs Cameron said.

“During what has been a most challenging time, both as a community and for our environment, reflecting on how we have handled crises in the past will hold Landcarers in great stead for the future.”

Local Land Services Board Acting Chair, Allison Harker, said farmers, Landcarers and community groups also have an opportunity to present at the conference, with expressions of interest now open.

“We are looking for presentations and workshops that showcase resilience, as well as how we can rethink, renew and recharge to create a sustainable future,” Ms Harker said.

“This is a great opportunity for passionate individuals and groups to share their on-the-ground experiences and learnings with the broader Landcare community.”

Interested presenters can find out more information, and download their expression of interest form at

Conference tickets will go on sale later this year. Interested delegates and exhibitors can find updates at the conference website and by following ‘NSW Landcare and Local Land Services Conference’ on Facebook.

150 Landcarers Descend on Dubbo for State Gathering

Over 150 Landcarers from across NSW will descend on Dubbo this week as part of the NSW Landcare Program State Gathering. 

Held at the Dubbo RSL, the Gathering runs from Tuesday 8th to Thursday 10th June, and is an opportunity for the network of Regional Landcare Coordinators, Local Landcare Coordinators and community host organisations, to share experiences, learn skills and connect with each other. 

The 2019-2023 NSW Landcare Program funded by the NSW Government, is a collaborative initiative of Local Land Services and Landcare NSW empowering Landcarers to take action on local problems and deliver outcomes that address local and regional issues. 

Landcare NSW Chair Stephanie Cameron said the event is critical to building common understanding and capacity across the state. 

“Landcare’s strength lies in the strength of its grassroots, community movement – it’s about local people doing work on the ground to provide local solutions to local problems,” said Ms Cameron. 

“The NSW Landcare Program supports the network of hard-working volunteers in local communities who manage and restore the natural environment, improve the sustainability of agricultural production and build the resilience of communities.” 

‘Share. Learn. Connect’ is the theme of the Gathering with a series of speakers and workshops designed to help to develop participants’ skills in many areas including building understanding of community organisations, rural resilience, technology, and partnership opportunities. 

NSW Landcare Program Manager Natasha English said the learnings and connections that participants experience at the workshop will provide peer support and information sharing opportunities to improve the results achieved in their communities. 

With a keynote address by Robbie Sefton, an inspirational communication specialist and farmer, plus guest trainers that will provide sessions that ‘Build Resilience, Not Burnout’ and ‘Whole Brain Thinking’ there is a lot to stimulate thought. 

 This initiative is made possible by the NSW Landcare Program. A collaboration between Landcare NSW and the Local Land Services, supported by the NSW Government. 

Media Release: Landcare NSW welcomes $14 million for post-Black Summer bushfire recovery grants to support regeneration and community resilience

Friday 30th April, 2021:

Landcare NSW welcomes $14 million for post-Black Summer bushfire recovery grants to support regeneration and community resilience

Federal Environment Minister, Sussan Ley, announced a landmark $14 million dollar funding program for Landcare-led bushfire recovery projects in New South Wales, Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia this week.

Funded by the Australian Government, the Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants will support bushfire recovery projects in seven government-designated bushfire regions impacted by the Black Summer bushfires of 2019/2020, four of which are in NSW.

The funding will focus on activities supporting bushfire recovery for fire-affected plant and animal species, ecological communities, and natural assets – including Ramsar listed wetlands and World Heritage listed sites.

Landcare NSW CEO, Dr Adrian Zammit welcomed the funding, saying the grants would support the large-scale regeneration efforts required to restore landscapes, improve biodiversity and support community resilience.

“The devastation to our environment does not stop at state borders. Collaborative funding is crucial for our communities and native landscapes to recover after the catastrophic Black Summer Bushfires. In NSW alone, the fires burnt 6.2 percent of the state and more than one billion animals were estimated to have been killed or displaced in the fires.

“No matter where we are based, from the rainforests of northern NSW and South-East Queensland to the alpine regions of ACT, NSW and Victoria with the support of this funding we can begin to rebuild,” Dr Zammit said.

Eligible Landcare groups, environment networks, and community groups will have access to grant funding up to $50,000, and as larger partnerships and projects up to $300,000.

The $14 million bushfire grants program will be delivered by a ground-breaking alliance between the National Landcare Network and Landcare Australia, and the state Landcare peak bodies. The Program will be co-delivered, and will coordinate a wide range of high-impact on-ground community and environmental projects over the next 12 months for community landcare.      

Call for submission of grant applications will be announced in May.

For further information about projects and grants, visit

For media enquiries:

Samantha Stratton P:0487 767 955  E:

Jodie Lovell E:

Frequently Asked Questions here


The grounds of Westmead Hospital are set to become an urban woodland thanks to a partnership between the NSW Government, Greater Sydney Landcare Network and Landcare NSW. 

Western Sydney Local Health District Chief ExecutiveMr Graeme Loy joined Landcare NSW CEO, Dr Adrian Zammit and a team of volunteers to begin planting 3,110 trees for habitat and healing at the hospital site on Wednesday 7 April. 

Western Sydney Local Health District Chief Executive Mr Graeme Loy said the new greenery will be a huge benefit to hospital staff and patients, wildlife and the wider community. 

Green spaces aren’t just great for urban ecosystems, they’re also associated with better physical health, lower stress levels, and greater community satisfaction. These trees will create a beautiful environment for patients, visitors and our local community to relax and enjoy,” Mr Loy said. 

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s Executive Director Green and Resilient Place, Mr Steve Hartley said the initiative was part of the NSW Government’s commitment to plant one million trees across Greater Sydney. 

“Access to green spaces has important health benefits for the community and play a big role in supporting mental and physical health and we are committed to ensuring everyone across Greater Sydney can experience these benefits,” Mr Hartley said. 

Landcare NSW CEO, Dr Adrian Zammit said the organisation was proud to partner with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in Greening our City. 

“Landcare NSW works to improve the health of our environment and communities. By expanding the green canopy cover across Greater Sydney, we are not only contributing to our community’s health and well-being but also the protection of our native plants and animals by providing much needed habitat 

The site’s proximity to Toongabbie Creek will help extend important habitat for small birds, microbats, and other native animals,” Dr Zammit said. 

“We encourage the local community to get involved in this project. Through Landcare you can join a community, learn new skills, plant trees for wildlife and people, be out in nature and make a positive contribution to our environment. 

Member for Parramatta The Hon. Dr Geoff Lee, MP welcomed the initiative. 

“It is great to see these trees being planted to provide shade during those extremely hot Parramatta summers and help make a real difference to the environment for the staff and patients at Westmead Hospital,” Dr Lee said.  

The plantings in the Westmead Hospital grounds have been coordinated by Greater Sydney Landcare Network (GSLN) in conjunction with local Landcare and community groups to improve resilience on site and in the community. GSLN is working with The Social Canvas and the Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation to deliver an innovative planting on the Westmead Hospital site 

The Social Canvas, creative social enterprise, helped deliver the planning and tree selection.  

30 Tzu Chi volunteers will join with GSLN at Westmead Hospital to grow trees, shade and habitat to support the project.  

The trees will be planted as part of the Greening Our City program, to increase the tree canopy and green cover across Greater Sydney. Funding has been provided to Greater Sydney Landcare Network and Landcare NSW as part of the NSW Government’s $2.1 million investment and partnership with Landcare to plant 100,000 new trees across Greater Sydney.