Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM)

Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) project

Suzanne Pritchard, LNSW Project Manager

The Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) project is ramping up with events planned and rolling out across the state in 12 Landcare regions. The Biodiversity Conservation Trust funded project is making possible 69 field days, eight networking events, 21 workshops, three forums, four trials and four online webinars.

The main themes being addressed across the project include sharing best practice biodiversity conservation in production areas, caring for Country, bush regeneration strategies, riparian restoration and habitat management for flora, fauna, endangered communities, and individual species.

These themes have translated into events such as the recently held 2-day Fire Focus Forum, hosted by Gywmac Landcare, Threatened Species Investigation in the McDonald Valley hosted by Greater Sydney Landcare,  the jam-packed Creek Feast day organised by Watershed Landcare, celebrating all aspects of riparian restoration, and the Conservation & Primary Production Field day hosted by MidCoast2Tops at Dingo Creek where landholders shared their successful integration of an Angus Stud with riparian restoration.

The focus for many groups across the state in May is mycology. A Fungi Discovery workshop is being organised by South East Landcare, Soil Super heroes secrets will be shared by MidCoast2Tops and Mycology in the Mix is being presented by Central West Lachlan Landcare.

Keeping track of all the events and sharing the lessons learnt is being made possible by the recently activated PLCM Shared Resources portal,

The events calendar is publicly available, and it is hoped that it will provide a useful resource for ideas and a vehicle for collating the event outcomes to support Landcarers looking to host events in their region to support all Landcarers, including those on private land.

PLCM Acknowledgement

Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM)

Private land conservation really does matter!

Suzanne Pritchard, LNSW Project Manager

Private land conservation really does matter and Landcarers across NSW are supporting those that are leading the way and encouraging other landholders to follow thanks to the $1.54 million Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) contract LNSW is delivering for the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT).

What started out as a partnership between the BCT and LNSW to better understand the shared interests in managing land for biodiversity outcomes has developed into a mutually beneficially arrangement providing resources for 12 host organisations across the state to host 106 events by December 2024.

From multi-partner multi-day forums to online webinars, and every event type in between, how to manage private land to enhance biodiversity outcomes is being talked about by experts, shared in social networking gatherings, understood through citizen science projects and on land that has a one form or another of conservation covenant upon it.

It’s all about protection of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands (BGGW) in the Murray. Landholders will be able to learn about this endangered vegetation type while spotlighting and dining, considering natural capital options, understanding cultural connections or identifying tools and technology to tackle management decision. The BGGW supports productive agriculture based on native pastures, so it’s a win for landholders, native flora and fauna if this diverse ecosystem can be encouraged, expanded and connected across the landscape.

In the north of the state walk & talk field days on covenanted landholdings will see multiple agencies converging to share best practice land conservation techniques and knowledge in dealing with landslips and erosion, threatened species, and property planning. These gatherings are key to strengthening the social connections between landholders, who sometimes feel isolated, with like-minded Landcarers.

Out west big is better and forums are the flavour for bringing landholders together. The combination of large distances and limited time will see a multiday forum held in the western region and a 2-day event focussing on all aspects of utilising fire in the north western region. There will also be field days-a-plenty providing opportunities to get up close and personal with seed, showcasing some trials and demonstration and bringing multiple organisations together to explore and educate how to improve on-farm biodiversity.

The southeast will be utilising the PLCM funding to host roadshows across the region on riparian strategies and bush regeneration techniques. Regional workshops and field days are also planned to cover topics as diverse as koalas, regenerative agriculture, keystone species, fungi and flora, preceded by information sharing webinars so that the theory can be put into on the day. A muster to bring everyone together is in the mix too.

Along the east coast learning opportunities to better understand private land management of feral animals, woody weeds, caring for country, ecological burns for biodiversity, koalas, and fungi will see workshops and field days held. A growing interest in understanding bush regeneration strategies will provide food for thought about the value of retaining and expanding remnant vegetation.

If you’d like to find out more about what’s happening in your region contact your local landcare group, or BCT representative. All regions across the state have something to offer.

Private land conservation, by providing opportunities for landholders and Landcarers to connect and support each other, will greatly contribute to the Global Biodiversity Framework’s 30×30 targets calling for 30% of land under protection by 2030.

The Private Land Conservation Matters program is key to unlocking the potential of landholders to protect biodiversity across the state. LNSW acknowledges the foresight and support of the BCT in resourcing Landcarers to deliver an extensive program of activities for landholders to conserve biodiversity on their property.

March 2024

130 Trees planted for Kurrajong koalas

Greater Sydney Landcare Network today planted 130 trees in Kurrajong which will provide an important habitat corridor for a genetically distinct population of koalas.

Landcare NSW CEO Dr Adrian Zammit was joined by Member for Hawkesbury Robyn Preston and a group of 20 volunteers on Saturday 22 August, to plant 130 trees in Kurrajong Hills as part of the Government’s initiative to green Greater Sydney by planting one million trees over the next two years.

The planting is part of the Creating Canopies project being delivered in partnership with Landcare NSW. Funding for the project is provided by the NSW Government as part of the program to expand the city’s green canopy cover across Greater Sydney, with a focus on Western Sydney.

“This site is an important habitat corridor for the koala population in Kurrajong and we’ll be helping these creatures to thrive by restoring the koala corridor, planting their food tree species and removing weeds,” Ms Preston said.

“Greening our neighbourhoods and backyards is integral to our community’s health and wellbeing and the protection and resilience of our native plants and animals.

“More tree canopy means more shade, cooler suburbs and habitats for our beautiful wildlife.

“That’s why the NSW Government has teamed up with Landcare NSW and invested $2.1 million to plant 100,000 new trees across Greater Sydney by 2022 to expand the city’s green canopy.”

Landcare NSW CEO Dr Adrian Zammit said the project will help support the development of green spaces across Greater Sydney.

“With the support of the Greater Sydney Landcare Network, we will be planting 100,000 trees across Greater Sydney from 2020 – 2022. This will help grow native canopy to cool our city with Landcarers helping landowners and community members participate in tree planting activities,” said Dr Zammit.

“We will bring the skills and dedication of our extensive networks to help meet these ambitious goals. The expertise of Landcarers will be important in ensuring that appropriate sites are chosen, landholders are provided with correct advice on tree choice and long-term maintenance, and trees are planted with the best chance of surviving.

“We will work directly with landowners and local native nurseries in identifying the most appropriate tree species to be planted for each site.”

Creating Canopies in Greater Sydney is looking for Landcarers and landholders from across the region interested in participating in tree planting activities and creating future canopies.

Landcarers and landholders interested in registering their site for trees can email or call (02) 4724 2147.

To date, more than 300,000 trees have been planted across Greater Sydney as part of the Greening our City program to increase tree canopy and green cover across Greater Sydney by planting one million trees by 2022.


Landcare NSW CEO, Dr Adrian Zammit, Robyn Preston MP member for Hawkesbury and landowner Chris Keen.


Jodie Lovell Landcare NSW | 0439 316 151


Landcare NSW will work with the Greater Sydney Landcare Network to deliver the planting of 100,000 trees with a focus on Western Sydney by 2022.