Insurance for Members

Landcare NSW reduces insurance costs for Members

While Landcare NSW’s insurance package is already quite competitive, there’s always room for improvement, especially in these tough economic times.

After some tough negotiations between LNSW staff and a variety of insurance brokers and others, we secured a three percent discount on insurance costs, which we’ve passed on to our members.

In the lead up to pricing for the 2024-25 membership/insurance cycle, we learnt that a group sourcing insurance on their own could expect to pay as much as three thousand dollars for the same cover offered by LNSW.

To take advantage of our very competitive cover, you must be an incorporated group and take up a LNSW membership – please get in touch with Mark Lawrence, our Membership Officer.

Insurance Webinar

On Monday, 24th June 2024, Landcare NSW hosted another webinar with representatives from AON Insurance Brokers to answer your questions on our Master Policy Insurance package and the extent of its coverage.

Topics covered included:

  • Public and Product liability
  • Association and Professional indemnity liability
  • Volunteer worker’s personal accident cover

If you’d like access to the recording please reach out to our Membership Officer.

Insurance Claims – Simplified for Your Peace of Mind

Recently, some groups have expressed concerns about potential administrative burdens related to the Landcare NSW Insurance program.

There’s a misconception that making an insurance claim involves a lot of extra work for the groups or their member organisations. Let’s clear that up: Landcare NSW handles the heavy lifting when it comes to claim management.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Landcare NSW Manages Claims: The policies covering your group are managed by Landcare NSW. If you need to submit a claim, our team will handle most of the work.
  • Minimal Administrative Work: Over the past period, there has been only one claim, which was managed efficiently by our staff with minimal input required from the claimant.

Steps to Submit an Insurance Claim:

  • Contact Us: Call or email the Membership Officer, Mark Lawrence, to initiate your claim.
  • Provide Basic Information: Answer a few questions and complete the claim form we send you. This is the main administrative task you’ll need to do.
  • Submit the Form: Return the completed form and we’ll handle the rest.
  • Additional Information: If the insurer requires more details, we’ll reach out to you for the necessary information.

Thanks to the robust procedures our member groups have in place, our overall risk is well-managed, helping to keep claims to a minimum.

If you have any questions about making claims or need assistance with anything else, please feel free to contact your Membership Officer.

Contact our Membership Officer – Mark Lawrence:

Email: or

Phone during office hours 02 8339 4816 or directly 0414 537 379

Landcare NSW Membership and Insurance Renewals for 2024-2025

What You Need to Know

As we edge closer to June 2024, it’s time for us all to prepare for the annual membership and insurance renewals. In today’s economic climate, where the cost of living continues to rise, we recognise that renewal time can pose challenges and we’re committed to doing what we can to keep costs fair and reasonable, while adding value to your membership wherever possible.

Understanding Our Costs

To ensure we continue to offer the best possible value, we have been actively negotiating and comparing the market rates for our insurance cover.  For perspective, here’s what a hypothetical Landcare group with twelve members would pay for the same coverage:

  • Public Liability Cover: $1,300
  • Association Liability: $700
  • Personal Accident: $450
  • Plus GST

This totals $2,450 for a year’s coverage, highlighting the significant savings our group arrangement offers—akin to the cost for four small group memberships at our current rates.

Upcoming Changes

While some cost increases for the 2024-25 period are inevitable, we’re aiming to keep them to a minimum wherever we can. And when things are tight, you need to know exactly what your money is buying – so, we’re separating insurance and membership costs in our invoicing, so you can see exactly what you’re paying for.

Enhanced Benefits

We’re not only trying to keep our costs as low as possible; we’re also working to increase the value of your membership. For example, once our new insurance broker is appointed, we’ll host another Insurance Webinar, following on from the success of last year’s program. These webinars will be offered monthly, with guest speakers and special interest topics. The webinar series will also give you a voice and a forum to share your ideas and experiences with other Landcarers.

Advocacy and Support

We understand that during tough economic times, the support of a strong community is more important than ever. And that’s a big part of what Landcare NSW offers its members your continued membership ensures that Landcare NSW can continue to advocate on your behalf to state politicians and parliamentarians, and to government agency executives.  And advocacy isn’t just for the bigger issues – we’re here to help you resolve problems at all levels. This is a critical and core function of Landcare NSW and an important service for our members.

Program Participation

Active membership is crucial for those wishing to participate in the Landcare Enabling Program (LEP). Keeping your membership current is essential to accessing those benefits associated with the Program.

Pricing Considerations

As far as pricing is concerned, there’s a few factors to consider as we head towards the 2024-25 cycle. The ongoing cost-of-living situation that affects us all, coupled with our own very tight administration budget, makes it difficult to calculate pricing that’s both fair and effective.

But we’re doing our best to find the middle ground. You can be assured that we’ll always put your interests first as we work towards providing cost-effective and valuable memberships.

As we began to receive our quotes and make our calculations, we’ll be keeping you informed as regularly and as early as we can.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, you can get in touch with our Membership Officer any time via

Landcare NSW COVID-19 update – July 2020

As we move into the second half of the year, the days and months since the first official announcement of COVID-19 have changed the framework of how we conduct our lives and work. 

In an environment where each week and day can be different from the next, we would like to reach out to remind you to continue to take appropriate measures within your Landcare workplace and work sites.

As of July 6, the NSW Government states that no more than 20 people are allowed to gather outside in a public place and all businesses can now open and operate under the one person per 4 square metre rule.

For some types of businesses, you are required to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan. Find out about developing a COVID-19 Safety Plan for your business.

Ongoing recommendations remain in place for any vulnerable members of the community.

For many of our Landcare groups this has been a trying time and we would like to thank our entire community for the flexibility and strength that they have shown in these past months.

However, we would remind our members who have insurance through Ceneta and Community Underwriting, of the statement they released on Friday March 20 via Landcare NSW stating that:

“The advice they have given for Landcare groups holding events is as follows:

 We are unable to cover events where the attendees exceed either the current federal or state advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups.

– Where events are conducted with attendees less than the government recommendation, we recommend an organisation to undertake a risk assessment taking in the government advice.

An update as of July 6, 2020 is as follows:

If the groups are acting within the government rules and taking all reasonable care and precautions, there would seem to be no reason an event could not proceed, particularly if their own risk assessment suggests it is O.K.

There is no exclusion for COVID-19 in the policy wording but reinsurers globally are moving fairly quickly to impose them.

All new business and renewals from 1 July will be subject to new wordings which include a Listed Human Disease Exclusion.

As the majority of Landcare groups renewed before the new policy wording was released on 1 July, they are subject to the original wording which does not exclude COVID19.

However please note that Indemnity under any policy depends on the specific facts of any particular incident and terms and conditions.”

This response remains in place and is guided by the State and Federal guidelines.

We encourage you to speak directly to your insurance provider should you have event specific queries and visit NSW Health to see updated guidelines in response to each event you hold.

Additionally, NSW Workplace Health and Safety has guidelines and a risk assessment in response to COVID-19 to help guide you and your activities during this time.

Here at Landcare NSW our staff are still working remotely where practicable and we are registered as a COVID-19 safe workplace.

As always, we are only a phone, email, or social media message away.

Stay up to date with current advice as circumstances change and review your activities and risk management accordingly. Visit

Above all, practice healthy hygiene and always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Landcare NSW COVID-19 update

Please check the NSW Government website for the most up to date information.

We understand that you may have many questions on what to do with your Landcare group as restrictions are eased. The NSW Government has eased certain restrictions with further changes coming from 1 July.

We’d like to update you on the measures we’re taking at Landcare NSW.

To ensure we are providing a safe workplace, Landcare NSW has registered as a COVID Safe business. However, there are some things that need to be completed but we are on our way.

We strongly recommend all Landcare NSW member groups complete the check list for your workplaces (offices, events, working bee site, etc) and register as a safe work place:

  • Register at
  • Download and complete the check lists
  • You should complete the list with staff, volunteers before going to the next step
  • Register as a COVID19 safe workplace (including volunteers)
  • Display this on all sites (website, social media, etc).

If any groups can not comply with this then they are NOT COVID Safe. It is up to your group to ensure that you are acting consistently with current regulations.

All volunteer Landcare activities must be conducted in accordance with current legal requirements in place in NSW. Rules regarding gatherings and movement outside of home have changed and are likely to continue to change. It is up to you and your group to ensure you act in accordance with these requirements and check with your insurance provider before undertaking activities.

For all insurance related questions, please contact your insurance provider directly.

Pay particular attention to the guidelines that apply to vulnerable people, who are encouraged to continue to stay home and protect their health, or take extra precautions when out and about.

For many of our Landcare groups this is a time of change and we would like to thank our entire community for the flexibility and strength that they have shown in these past weeks and months.

Stay up to date with current advice as circumstances change and review your activities and risk management accordingly. Above all, practice social distancing, healthy hygiene and always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Landcare NSW COVID-19 update – April 2020

As of Sunday, 30th March the Federal Government announced that no more than 2 people can be in an enclosed space within 1.5m of each other & any non-essential movements is to be restricted.

This also included recommendations that any people over the age of 70, those with a chronic illness aged over 60 or who have a chronic medical condition that leaves them vulnerable, and Indigenous Australians over the age of 50 should stay at home as much as practical.

Exemptions include: People of the same household gathering together; Funerals, where a maximum of 10 people can gather; Weddings, where there can be up to five people; Family units, which is understood to mean immediate family.

The National Cabinet also gave “strong guidance” for all Australians to stay home unless people were: Shopping for “food and necessary supplies”; Providing medical, healthcare or compassionate services; Exercising in a group of two; Working or studying if they could not do so remotely

For many of our Landcare groups this is a difficult task, however we would remind our members who have insurance through Community Underwriting that they released a statement on March 20 stating that: “The advice they have given for Landcare groups holding events is as follows: We are unable to cover events where the attendees exceed either the current federal or state advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups; Where events are conducted with attendees less than the government recommendation, we recommend an organisation to undertake a risk assessment taking in the government advice.”

Additionally, NSW Workplace Health & Safety has released guidelines to help guide you & your activities during this time.

The Federal Government has also released a Stimulus Package to support households & businesses & address the significant economic consequences of the Coronavirus. Further information is attached. Landcare Groups should talk to their financial advisers to see if they are eligible.

We do not take these times lightly, but we continue to work with all staff and partners across NSW to ensure that all projects & programs are supported beyond this crisis. We remind ourselves that Landcare has survived the devastation of drought, flood and fire. It will survive COVID-19.

Our programs and partnerships are still in place & on track. Grant and funding bodies are aware of current restrictions regarding deliverables and will work with groups to negotiate deadlines. The NSW Landcare Program team is working directly with all coordinators to ensure that any deliverables are flexible and realistic. Should you wish to discuss your concerns, please contact Natasha English via email

Above all, practice healthy hygiene & always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Landcare NSW


Fact Sheet – Supporting Businesses

Federal Government Stimulus Package further information

Landcare NSW COVID-19 Communications Update