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Saving our Species and Landcare in NSW - Landcare NSW

Saving our Species and Landcare in NSW

Saving our Species (SoS)


The NSW Government’s Saving our Species (SOS) program is working to secure the future of our threatened plants and animals through practical on-ground actions, and underpinned by best practice science and research.

Landcare, along with other environmentally focused groups, deliver on-ground action and education regarding threatened and endangered species.

SoS and Landcare NSW are working together to help raise awareness, capacity, resources, community interest and funding to support projects across NSW so more can be done for threatened species.

There are currently more than 980 threatened species and over 100 threatened ecological communities in NSW.

Projects help save species and ecological communities through:

– improving habitat and controlling threats, such as weeding programs and fox baiting
– monitoring the effectiveness of on-ground actions and the response of species and ecological communities to management activities
– supporting conservation projects in national parks and on private land.


Landcare and Saving our Species work in partnership on many species projects including;

Bellinger Landcare and Tamworth Regional Landcare Association – Saving our Species Iconic Koala Project 

Milton Rural Landcare – Milton Ulladulla Subtropical Rainforest

Lithgow and Oberon Landcare Association – Asterolasia buxifolia

Bellinger Landcare  – Bellinger River snapping turtle         

Hovells Creek Landcare – Saving Our Superb Parrot

LachLandcare – Saving Our Superb Parrot

Upper Lachlan Landcare – Saving Our Superb Parrot

Boorowa Community Landcare – Saving Our Superb Parrot

Tumut Landcare Nursery – Grevillea Wilkinsonii

Murrumbidgee Landcare – Swift Parrot

Mid Lachlan Landcare – Box Gum Grassy Woodland Habitat on Farm project

Greater Sydney Landcare Network  – “Cumberland Plain Restoration Program – Castlereagh Scribbly Gum Woodland in the Sydney Basin BioregionCastlereagh Swamp Woodland Community, Cooks River / Castlereagh Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion, Cumberland Plain Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion, River-flat Eucalypt Forest on Coastal Floodplains

Carwoola Landcare – Save Our Scarlet Robin

Michelago Landcare – Save Our Scarlet Robin

Tombong Corrowong Landcare  – Save Our Scarlet Robin

Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare – Save Our Scarlet Robin

Upper Shoalhaven Landcare – Save Our Scarlet Robin

Upper Snowy Landcare – Save Our Scarlet Robin

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