Landcare NSW

Landcare NSW and BCT Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) Project Update

Landcare NSW and BCT Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) Project Update

The Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) Project is an initiative by Landcare NSW and BCT aimed at advancing conservation efforts on private lands. In this update, we provide highlights on the project’s progress, communication plan, workplan reviews by Landcare groups, insights from a presentation by the Natural Resources Commission (NRC), and the involvement of BCT’s Regional Managers in shaping its future direction.

1. Project Progress and Communication Plan: The current number of proposed events (106) exceeds the initial Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of 100, with the majority of funding allocated. A communication plan has been developed and is pending review. Sincere thanks to everyone involved in the creation, collation, and coordination of the co-designed regional workplans, especially given the additional demands around Landcare funding applications in recent months. The recent Steering Committee meeting (Landcare NSW and BCT) was excited by the variety of delivery mechanisms and the diversity of topics covered in the plans.

2. Workplan Review by Landcare Groups: Twelve workplans were submitted from all regions. The committee appreciated the diversity of delivery mechanisms and topics, including mycology, cultural burns, and citizen science. A need for more transparent data about costing and clarity on staff time accounting in project plans was identified.

3. Presentation by Natural Resources Commission (NRC): The evaluation plan will be finalised in mid-December 2023. Key evaluation questions will include the project’s outcomes, capacity building in conservation management, engagement with the BCT, and Landcare groups’ development. Throughout the life of this project, the MERI process will be requiring some information from project leads and we will be in touch with templates and information for data capture in the new year. This important data will help us showcase the great work you’re all doing in support of future projects.

4. Involvement of BCT’s Regional Managers and Future Meetings: They will be kept informed about activities in their regions through the monthly updating of the workplans. It was agreed to schedule future steering committee meetings quarterly.

For more information, please contact Suzanne Pritchard, Program Manager, Private Land Conservation Matters,

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