Landcare NSW seeks to position the Landcare movement in NSW as a partner of choice for the delivery of services that benefit community Landcare, our partners and ultimately our farms, our environment and our communities. Through this approach, Landcare NSW is building an ecosystem of like-minded organisations that delivers value and resilience to the Landcare movement and our partners.
As the peak organisation for the NSW Landcare community, Landcare NSW chooses partnerships with government, private and not-for-profit organisations whose values and strategic objectives align with those of the NSW Landcare community. Landcare NSW works closely with the National Landcare Network, Landcare Australia and the seven State and Territory Landcare peak bodies to build a strong, influential and integrated Landcare community that works, collaborates and cooperates together to achieve shared vision, values and goals.
Landcare NSW partners with the NSW Local Land Services to deliver the NSW Landcare Program. The program employs 12 Regional Landcare Coordinators and 72 Local Landcare Coordinators.
Landcare NSW works in partnership with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) as part of the Partnering in Private Land Conservation Project to highlight opportunities for Landcarers to develop conservation projects and opportunities. We work together to raise awareness and support private land conservation efforts across the state.
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Landcare NSW works in partnership with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Greater Sydney Landcare Network as part of the Creating Canopies project which will plant 100,000 trees across Greater Sydney by 2022 as part of the One Million Trees project.
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Landcare NSW is in partnership with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to highlight and promote the Saving Our Species Project. The partnership aims to highlight the successes for environmental and species restoration made by Landcare groups across the state.
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Landcare NSW works with the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare (PFL) to provide an avenue for NSW Members of Parliament to connect with and offer support to the NSW Landcare community.
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TAFE NSW is the leading provider of vocational education and training in Australia. Landcare NSW and TAFE NSW have partnered together to ensure students get the highest level of practical training, meaning it can provide graduates with high quality, current, and job-ready skills and knowledge in Environmental Studies and associated sectors.
Local Government NSW is the peak body for local government in NSW, representing general purpose councils and related entities. Landcare NSW and Local Government NSW are working together across NSW to coordinate and collaborate on a range of community-led, volunteer-driven natural resource management activities and projects that benefit local communities and the living environment.
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Landcare NSW and Gotcha4Life work in partnership to help to develop and implement educational workshops, training programs and other initiatives aimed at building mental fitness across NSW.
Landcare NSW and OzFish Unlimited partnered to provide project opportunities specifically for Landcare groups to deliver aquatic-based projects with local OzFish chapters across NSW.
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In an initiative led by Lions District Governor Geoff Kilmurray, Landcare NSW and the five Lions Districts in NSW have together signed a memorandum of understanding to enable the Lions groups to work together with Landcare groups on environmental issues across the state.
Landcare NSW and Surf Life Saving NSW (SLSNSW) are both committed to building better communities together across NSW. As NSW’s peak water safety and rescue organisation, Surf Life Saving NSW has over 75,000 members and is one of the largest volunteer organisations in Australia. Landcare and SLSNSW are currently partners to the Wellbeing Alliance which is focussed on building mental fitness and resilience across the state.
Landcare NSW and South Pole have partnered to develop climate action projects across NSW. South Pole is a global profit-for-purpose company and certified B Corp which develops emissions reduction and biodiversity projects across a range of methodologies and works with the private and the public sector to drive decarbonisation.
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Our unique Landcare network of local and regional Landcare Coordinators, volunteers, individuals and businesses provides a strong link to all rural, urban and regional communities in NSW. Landcare NSW works on a range of projects with both government and non-government partners to ensure that our environment, farms and communities are supported through a range of initiatives.
The National Landcare Network (NLN) is the representative body for Landcare groups across Australia and is made up of representatives from each State and Territory. It is run by a Board and a Members Council, both of which are made up of volunteers from across the country.

Landcare Australia is a national not-for-profit that works with multiple stakeholders to support the Landcare community with funding and capacity building.