Landcare Coordinators, Project Managers and Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) partners came together last week when the Partnering In Private Land Conservation (PPLC) Project End of Year event was held in Sydney.
With over 20 in-person and online participants, Landcare and BCT regional managers and coordinators shared their successes and learnings from the past year.
“It was a fantastic day and a testament to the hard work that all our Landcare community have undertaken,” said Partnering in Private Land Conservation Project Manager, Samantha Stratton.
“Through this program we have helped provide employment for 11 PPLC staff, it’s engaged with all our Landcare Coordinators – whether through in-kind or direct project support, we’ve had 1,782 people engaged, 50 field days, 109 networking events – whether one-on-one or in a group and 374 communications products promoting and supporting the value of biodiversity.
“They’ve engaged with project partners such as local Councils, Government departments and not-for-profits, it’s a testament to how Landcare delivers despite the many challenges our community have faced over the past year.
“Our objectives were simple. Work together with the BCT to educate landcare and the private land holder community about conservation actions and outcomes, build understanding within our community and share the value of biodiversity and investing in biodiversity on private land.
“From highlighting biodiversity actions from all areas of NSW, to pest and weed management and its impact on ecosystem health, to field days on properties that have conservation actions that span decades, it’s been fantastic to see all we have achieved as a community,” Samantha says.
Partnering In Private Land Conservation Project a highlight for community