Landcare NSW

NSW Landcare Program Update – July

The NSW Landcare Program is moving towards online delivery for the remainder of the year.

As Landcarers know, there is nothing better than getting together to hear of accomplishments, debate ways forward, design new projects and just celebrate being in Landcare with people who care about our land and its future. Sadly, this avenue of face to face options has diminished as we continue to work with COVID-19 restrictions. We will not be able to hold a State-wide Gathering for our Local and Regional Landcare Coordinators and Host Organisation members this calendar year.

The NSW Landcare Program Team under the guidance of Landcare NSW and Local Land Services will instead deliver an online series of webinars, chats and innovative live broadcasts to help answer questions and guide Landcare support activities in NSW for the remaining of 2020.

To help plan activities a calendar of webinars will be released August 2020. The online events will pick up on the themes that were planned for the Gathering, but have also have drawn on the core skills survey, feedback from other webinars and the Community of Practice planning to ensure both content and delivery is in tune with direct needs. They will be recorded and will be available online, to Local and Regional Coordinators as well as Host Organisations, through our information and communications systems such as Gateway. We are aware that many Landcarers will already be engaging in other events on line and the calendar is to help with planning.

Our plan is to make them innovative, informative, fun, engaging and stimulating…Always up for a challenge!

Look out for the online webinar calendar soon with further updates of the NSW Landcare Program’s successful first year and snapshots of what the Landcare community is up to across the state.


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