At the recent Annual General Meeting held in Sydney on 18 November 2020, the members of Landcare NSW appointed three new skills-based members to the Executive Committee. The three new directors were recommended by the Nominations & Governance Sub-committee following an expression of interest process.
Landcare NSW CEO, Dr Adrian Zammit said the new skills-based members will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Executive.
Kathy Kelly
Kathy is a Chartered Accountant with over thirty years of board level experience across the public, commercial and not for profit sectors, with particular experience in agriculture and agribusiness. Her background as a registered company auditor and tax agent provide specialised skills to contribute to board positions. Kathy has a Bachelor of Economics and is a Registered Company Auditor. She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand. Kathy is passionate about rural and regional areas and the people and businesses in those communities.
Georgia Rivers
Georgia is a highly regarded senior executive in the cultural, tourism and events sectors, with 25 years’ experience managing high profile institutions in Australia and the UK. Her primary specialisation is marketing and communications. Georgia has a Masters of Business in Marketing and has held senior marketing positions for several not-for-profit companies. She is also experienced in strategy development, fundraising, business development and team management. Georgia is a Board Member of Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, a not-for-profit based on the work of thousands of volunteers. She is also on the Expert Advisory Committee for the Department of Primary Industries, advising on strategic planning for the heritage site Belgenny Farm.
Bruce Rolph
Bruce is passionately engaged in a range of environmental and sustainability projects, including as an office holder in a highly successful community-based heritage and environmental organisation, and as a long-time landowner and defender of a parcel of land in the Lower Hunter region that, although bushfire-impacted, still has outstanding biodiversity. Bruce’s career includes a wide range of senior management/leadership roles in both the public and private sector; investment banking and pioneering environmental advocacy; entrepreneurship and not-for-profits; and leading-practice governance. This is complemented by academic excellence in both economics/commerce and post-graduate environmental management (UNSW, Masters). Bruce is also a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).
The 2021 Executive Committee also consists of:
- Chair – Stephanie Cameron (North West region)
- Vice Chair – Bev Debrincat (Greater Sydney region)
- Treasurer – Hunter White (skills-based member)
- Secretary – Marg Applebee (Central West region)
- Committee member – Gareth Johnston (Murrumbidgee region)
- Committee member – Adrian Wells (Murray region)