Natural Disasters

Natural Disaster Resource Hub

At Landcare NSW, we promote a community-based approach to managing and protecting our natural resources, helping to create more productive and sustainable farms, conserve our environment, and build stronger, more resilient communities.

New South Wales is home to landscapes of breathtaking beauty, but also ones marked by extremes. From devastating bushfires and floods to landslides and severe weather events, our environment faces constant challenges that threaten our homes, communities, and way of life.

Nature-Based Solutions to Natural Disasters

We understand that natural disasters are a part of life, but there are ways to prepare and mitigate their impacts. Landcare NSW has developed a series of training packs and videos that introduce nature-based solutions—sustainable strategies that harness the power of nature to reduce disaster risks and help adapt to changing conditions.

Nature-based solutions focus on protecting, managing, and restoring ecosystems to build landscapes that are more resilient to natural disasters. By working with nature, we can help reduce the impact of these events and create safer environments for our communities.

Explore Our Resources

On our website, you’ll find four key sections outlining different nature-based solutions. Our videos and downloadable training packs are designed to be user-friendly, helping you understand how to better prepare for and reduce the risk of natural disasters on your property.

Whether it’s planting, fencing, landscaping, or creating shelter belts, there are many practical actions you can take to safeguard your land. These strategies not only act as buffers against floods and bushfires, but also help protect against landslips and extreme weather events.

Get Started Today

We’ve also included links to valuable resources and tools to help you become more disaster-prepared using nature-based solutions.

From the Natural Disasters menu access our videos, download training materials, and discover how you can take action today. For more hands-on support, reach out to your local Landcare group and get involved in building a more resilient future for our communities.

Identifying high-risk areas and creating comprehensive risk mitigation plans are essential steps in preparing your property for fires. There are also building codes, vegetation management rules, and land use planning requirements. It’s important to consult with local fire authorities or councils for tailored advice and to ensure compliance with local regulations.

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