What Can Landcare NSW Resources Do For You?
Landcare NSW offers a comprehensive suite of resources to guide you through the process of successfully setting up your Landcare group, running the day to day operations, and growing the reach and impact of your group through communications and fundraising.
These resources include guidelines, policy templates and toolkits that cover a range of topics, from governance, to work health and safety, grant seeking and financial management.
A full directory of our resources is provided below. While the resources related to starting your group and the guidelines related to aboriginal protocols are publicly available to all Landcare groups, the majority are offered exclusively to member groups of Landcare NSW through our Members Portal.
To learn more about becoming a member to access all of the resources and other benefits, please visit our Membership page or contact us at memberships@landcarensw.org.au or by phone at 02 8339 4816.
If you would like Landcare NSW to produce guidelines on a topic not already covered below, or have questions about the existing resources, please contact memberships@landcarensw.org.au.
Directory of Resources
Publicly available resources
Click below to access publicly available resources.
1. Starting Your Group
START G1.1 Starting a Landcare Group
Provides useful links and guidance on the basic issues to consider when setting up a Landcare group, from administration, to banking, governance and registering for an ABN.
START G1.2 Business Structures for Landcare Groups
Explains the difference between incorporating a Landcare group as an incorporated association or a company limited by guarantee (CLG), and the potential pros and cons of both structures. Also includes a checklist for the progress of migrating to a CLG.
START G1.3 Constitutions
Covers the purpose of the constitution of an incorporated association, the specific matters it must address, and the process for amending it. Provides an overview of NSW Fair Trading’s Model constitution and the process for adopting it for your association.
START G1.4 Duties of Office Bearers for Landcare Groups
Offers guidance to office bearers to ensure their time is used as productively as possible. Specifically, this includes keeping sight of your mission and goals, and understanding your duties, the group’s financial position, risk management and insurance.
START G1.5 Roles and Responsibilities
Outlines the roles of the executive or management committee, Chair/President, Vice Chair/President, Secretary, Treasurer and Public Officer, and the responsibilities associated with each role.
START G1.6 Attracting and Managing Volunteers
Provides tips to ensure your organisation is volunteer-ready, covering insurance, working with children, induction and WHS. Outlines steps to successfully attract volunteers: outreach, piggy-backing, identifying tasks and engaging with education providers.
START G1.7 Acronyms Glossary
A table of commonly used acronyms in the Landcare community, with an explanation of each.
2. Running Your Group - Aboriginal Protocols
RUN G2.6 Aboriginal Protocols: Welcome to Country/Acknowledgement of Country
Offers guidance on organising a Welcome to Country and performing an Acknowledgement of Country, the differences between these two protocols, and their historical context and importance.
RUN G2.7 Aboriginal Protocols: Tips & Facts
14 tips on successfully navigating Aboriginal protocols, including topics to avoid and correct and incorrect terms to use when speaking with Aboriginal people.
RUN G2.8 Aboriginal Protocols: Communication
A general guide for communicating with Aboriginal people, such as waiting your turn to speak, and avoiding jargon and acronyms. Also advises engaging with an officer employed in an Aboriginal Identified role for further guidance.
RUN G2.9 Aboriginal Protocols: Working with Aboriginal people
22 tips for working with members of the Aboriginal community, including organising meetings, building rapport and an explanation of terms such as “Sorry Business” and “big-noting”.
Exclusive Member only resources
Log in to the Members Portal to access our exclusive members only resources:
2. Running Your Group
RUN G2.1 Membership Status for Landcare Groups
Provides guidance on different membership structures within Landcare, and the benefits and insurance options for each type. This includes incorporated and unincorporated groups, regional / district Landcare networks, affiliate / associate, volunteer and groups under the constitution of another organisation.
RUN G2.2 Insurance
A guide to different insurance products and what they mean for your group: public liability, product liability, volunteer workers, workers’ compensation, directors and officers liability, professional indemnity and association liability insurance. Also offers tips on investigating and comparing different policies.
RUN G2.3 Ten Tips for Effective and Efficient Meetings
A step-by-step guide for running your meeting for increased efficiency, such as a good agenda, keeping to time, visual aids, protocol and preparation, prompt minutes and communicating outcomes. Also includes tips for successful online meetings.
RUN G2.4 Regional Community of Practice
Describes the purpose and value of a Community of Practice (CoP) and offers an overview of the Regional CoP component of the 2019 – 2023 NSW Landcare Program.
RUN G2.10 How to Wind up (Close) an Incorporated Group
A step-by-step guide for how to cancel your group’s status as an incorporated association, along with other important considerations such as insurance, maintaining records and the impact on future group activities.
3. WHS & Risk Management
RUN G3.1 Work Health and Safety
A two-minute checklist that outlines the basic WHS standards, to determine how your Landcare workplace fares in terms of WHS.
RUN G3.2 Working from Home
Provides an overview of WHS issues for staff working from home, tips for the home office, and major issues to consider such as documentation, confidentiality, supervision and IT. Also includes a comprehensive Working from Home checklist.
RUN G3.3 Working with Children at Landcare Events
Offers guidance on current NSW legislation on Working with Children, including who needs a check, what it involves, how to apply, cost and exemptions.
RUN G3.4 Risk Management Plans
Provides an explanation of risk management and its importance to your organisation. Also describes different types of risks, and tips for committing to reducing risk to ensure your group is stable and prepared for unexpected events.
RUN G3. 5 Rural Assistance and Disaster Relief
A list of contact details for support services that may be available to rural communities during times of drought or other natural disasters, such as NSW Rural Assistance Authority, Farm Household Allowance and the Drought Assistance Fund.
RUN G3. 6 COVID-19 and Landcare Groups
General COVID-19 advice for your workplace, meetings and events. Please follow the links provided to the Service NSW and NSW Health websites for the most up to date information and advice.
4. Financial Tools
RUN G4.1 Record Retention
An overview and table of different types of records to retain, and the recommended time that your organisation should keep them.
RUN G4.2 Asset Registers
An asset register is an essential document to keep track of your group’s resources and quantities. These guidelines cover which assets and details should be included, as well as issues such as asset count, disposal and loaning or hiring of assets.
RUN G4.3 Superannuation for Landcare Employees
Explains your organisation’s super obligations to your paid employees, including how much super to pay, when to pay and exemptions.
RUN G4.4 Financial Review vs Audit (Financial Reporting for Landcare Groups)
Provides an overview of the difference between having your financial statements audited or reviewed by an accountant, and the process involved in both scenarios.
RUN G4.5 ABNs and Landcare Groups
Answers frequently asked questions such as: What is an ABN? Does my group need one? Is my group entitled to apply? How do I apply for or cancel an ABN?
RUN G4.6 Glossary of Accounting Terms
A list of commonly used accounting terminology, with an explanation of each term.
5. Employment & Workplace Tools
A suite of templates are available to assist your group in employing staff.
RUN PT11 Employee Performance Review Template
RUN PT13 Application Scoring Matrix Template
RUN PT14 Interview Scoring Matrix
RUN PT15 Employment Agreement Template
RUN PT16 Employment Induction Checklist
RUN PT17 Employee Details Form
RUN PT18 Employee Emergency Contacts
RUN PT19 Employment Induction Kit Contents
RUN PT20 Interview Question Template
RUN PT26 Guidelines on Representation and Policy Development
RUN PT27 Independent Contractor Agreement
6. Governance
RUN G6.1 Governance Directory for Landcare
A list of organisations that offer governance resources, advice and know-how, including an A-Z directory of governance resources.
RUN G6.2 Governance Health Check
The Health Check is an important tool to track your organisation’s progress and should be completed annually. There are two versions tailored for 1) networks and larger groups, and 2) smaller groups.
RUN G6.3 The Privacy Act and Landcare Records
A guide to managing the privacy of your members, employees and volunteers and protecting their personal details, including a list of the 13 Australian Privacy Principles.
RUN G6.4 Delegation of Authority for Landcare Organisations
Offers advice on establishing who has the authority to do what within your group, including tips on adopting a Delegation of Authority policy.
RUN G6.5 Do I Have a Conflict of Interest?
Provides an explanation of the term “conflict of interest” and guidance on how to identify and manage them in your organisation.
RUN G6.6 Checklist for identifying a conflict of interest
Comprehensive lists of yes/no questions to consider when assessing whether you have an actual, reasonably perceived or potential conflict of interest.
RUN 34 Fair Work Handbook
This handbook from the Fair Work Ombudsman is for employers and managers, and is about workplace rights and responsibilities under the Fair Work Act 2009.
7. Communications & Fundraising
GROW G7.2 Social Media in the Workplace
Tips on developing a social media use policy for your organisation, and the many benefits associated with having a policy, from maintaining your organisation’s reputation to managing risk.
GROW G7.3 Deductible Gift Recipient Status
An overview of the ins and outs of DGR status, including types of status, eligibility requirements, the application process and reporting requirements. Also includes details on how to accessLandcare NSW’s DGR status as part of your membership benefits.
GROW G7.4 Charity Status & Tax Exemptions
A guide to saving money through a range of tax concessions and exemptions, some of which may require your group to be a not-for-profit organisation and/or have charity status.
GROW G7.5 Grant Seeking for Landcare Groups
A list of grant providers to consider when seeking funding for your Landcare group, including the main funding areas for each. Also offers resources for other funding programs and grant writing training.
Member Benefits

Includes several funding opportunities such as:
- The $22.4 million NSW Landcare Program (2019-2023)
- Priority access to service contracts, such as the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS)
- Access to LNSW’s Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status
- Other funding opportunities

Information Sharing
- Hold events for members to share local, regional and statewide strategies, information and directions by Landcare NSW and grassroots Landcarers through Regional Leaders Teleconferences, the Landcare NSW Advocacy and Communications tour, regional Council meetings and more
- Policy templates and toolkits specifically tailored to the Landcare community
- Subscription communications and weekly funding opportunities to stay ahead of the rest and make informed decisions

Discounted Landcare NSW Insurance Program which provides access to Public Liability and Voluntary Workers insurances. There’s also the option to choose Professional Indemnity, Officers and Directors Liability insurance as well!

Opportunities to generate funding and increase the number of volunteers from paid corporate volunteering and partnership opportunities.
How to Join?
Ready to go ahead with membership now?
For more information
phone 02 8339 4816
email memberships@landcarensw.org.au
complete your contact details here and we will get in touch!