Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative 2015-2019

The Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative (LLCI) was a program delivered in partnership with the NSW State Government and NSW Local Land Services.
The four-year program, valued at $15 million, held 3 components; Local Landcare Coordinator, Landcare Community of Practice and the Sustaining Landcare Project.
Each component worked in coordination with one another to build and sustain the Landcare movement and support Landcare groups in NSW.
The principle driving the LLCI program was to build capacity of the Landcare NSW network and Landcare in NSW.
The LLCI engaged communities from across NSW, with 70% of funding being directly provided to the local community through the recruitment of Local Landcare Coordinators, plus additional funds for capacity and partnership development. The program represents a significant boost to the vibrancy and economies of many small communities.
The Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative (LLCI)
The Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative was a jointly delivered project by Local Land Services and Landcare NSW. The project employed 60 Local Landcare Coordinators from 12 regions across NSW. These coordinators facilitated projects and partnerships, delivered on-the-ground works alongside local volunteers, and shared the stories and successes of their Landcare communities.
Coordinators not only worked on natural resource management and sustainable agricultural practices, they also helped address community and individual mental health, drought and natural disaster management and provided a long-term, reliable conduit to and from government. The program ensured that there were diverse, targeted and sustainable local and regional outcomes for the environment, landscape, and communities.
Landcare Community of Practice (LCoP)
The LCoP focused on developing and supporting healthy and resilient Landcare community groups.
The LCoP helped deliver 49 workshops to 338 organisations and 654 individuals. These workshops varied from governance to development of marketing skills and ensured that Landcare groups were able to deliver best-practice skills to their communities.
In line with the ethos of being community-led and community-driven, coordinators and groups worked with one another to create programs that directly reflected to the needs of their community and the Landcare network within the region.
The relationships built within the LCoP enabled groups to seek support and further skills from surrounding Landcare groups within their region.
Sustaining Landcare Project
Under the Landcare Support Program funding was allocated for Landcare NSW to diversify and broaden funding sources to sustain Landcare activities into the future.
This investment enabled Landcare NSW to develop a paid membership model and build its income generating capacity. Landcare NSW now has Deductible Gift Recipient status and a professional, qualified team that is working to create alternative revenue sources to support the growth and development of Landcare in NSW.
The Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative (2015-2019) is funded by the NSW Government and is supported through the partnership of Local Land Services and Landcare NSW.