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Landcarers Learn, Share and Connect at State Gathering - Landcare NSW

Landcarers Learn, Share and Connect at State Gathering

The recent NSW Landcare Program Gathering in Dubbo saw 133 Landcarers come together from across NSW to Learn, Share and Connect. Local and Regional Coordinators, Host Organisation representatives, members of the Landcare and Local Land Services Executive, Landcare NSW staff and the NSW Landcare Program Team enjoyed two jam-packed days with a mix of guest speakers, break-out sessions and presentations. Landcarers from Broken Hill to Boorowa and Botany immersed themselves in the gathering.

Uncle Lewis welcomed everyone to Country, with his singing and smoking ceremony before keynote speaker and wool, meat and grain producer Robbie Sefton opened proceedings and set the scene for the gathering with her humorous recollection of life in the late 80s in WA to her role on various boards including the Australia Day Council. Her insight into marketing was riveting. Mary Brell helped the Landcarers to get some insight into the way they think by delivering a workshop on the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument before Merryl Semple delivered a workshop on building resilience – something we could all relate to.

Concurrent sessions allowed participants to select their areas of interest with selections from Partnerships, the Coordinator Activity Tracker, Strategic Planning, social media and Human Resource management. Craig Aspinall the Landcare Program’s Aboriginal Communities Engagement Officer gave a presentation on the achievements of the ‘Working Together’ Program, for many this was one of the highlights according to the event evaluation. This is not to be overshadowed by the wonderful gifts bestowed by Aboriginal Program – Working Together merchandise like hats, water bottles, bags that was handed to participants on arrival.

Regional time was not forgotten as participants were given an opportunity to design the next iteration of the NSW Landcare Program. The take-away message was the importance of finally getting together face-to-face to Learn, Share and Connect and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to just have a yarn and socialise at the two dinner events. The next event is planned for 2023 with the location and venue yet to be decided.

 This initiative is made possible by the NSW Landcare Program. A collaboration between Landcare NSW and the Local Land Services, supported by the NSW Government. 

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