Landcare NSW

Landcare NSW COVID-19 update

Please check the NSW Government website for the most up to date information.

We understand that you may have many questions on what to do with your Landcare group as restrictions are eased. The NSW Government has eased certain restrictions with further changes coming from 1 July.

We’d like to update you on the measures we’re taking at Landcare NSW.

To ensure we are providing a safe workplace, Landcare NSW has registered as a COVID Safe business. However, there are some things that need to be completed but we are on our way.

We strongly recommend all Landcare NSW member groups complete the check list for your workplaces (offices, events, working bee site, etc) and register as a safe work place:

If any groups can not comply with this then they are NOT COVID Safe. It is up to your group to ensure that you are acting consistently with current regulations.

All volunteer Landcare activities must be conducted in accordance with current legal requirements in place in NSW. Rules regarding gatherings and movement outside of home have changed and are likely to continue to change. It is up to you and your group to ensure you act in accordance with these requirements and check with your insurance provider before undertaking activities.

For all insurance related questions, please contact your insurance provider directly.

Pay particular attention to the guidelines that apply to vulnerable people, who are encouraged to continue to stay home and protect their health, or take extra precautions when out and about.

For many of our Landcare groups this is a time of change and we would like to thank our entire community for the flexibility and strength that they have shown in these past weeks and months.

Stay up to date with current advice as circumstances change and review your activities and risk management accordingly. Above all, practice social distancing, healthy hygiene and always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

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