Landcare NSW

Landcare NSW COVID-19 update – July 2020

As we move into the second half of the year, the days and months since the first official announcement of COVID-19 have changed the framework of how we conduct our lives and work. 

In an environment where each week and day can be different from the next, we would like to reach out to remind you to continue to take appropriate measures within your Landcare workplace and work sites.

As of July 6, the NSW Government states that no more than 20 people are allowed to gather outside in a public place and all businesses can now open and operate under the one person per 4 square metre rule.

For some types of businesses, you are required to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan. Find out about developing a COVID-19 Safety Plan for your business.

Ongoing recommendations remain in place for any vulnerable members of the community.

For many of our Landcare groups this has been a trying time and we would like to thank our entire community for the flexibility and strength that they have shown in these past months.

However, we would remind our members who have insurance through Ceneta and Community Underwriting, of the statement they released on Friday March 20 via Landcare NSW stating that:

“The advice they have given for Landcare groups holding events is as follows:

 We are unable to cover events where the attendees exceed either the current federal or state advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups.

– Where events are conducted with attendees less than the government recommendation, we recommend an organisation to undertake a risk assessment taking in the government advice.

An update as of July 6, 2020 is as follows:

If the groups are acting within the government rules and taking all reasonable care and precautions, there would seem to be no reason an event could not proceed, particularly if their own risk assessment suggests it is O.K.

There is no exclusion for COVID-19 in the policy wording but reinsurers globally are moving fairly quickly to impose them.

All new business and renewals from 1 July will be subject to new wordings which include a Listed Human Disease Exclusion.

As the majority of Landcare groups renewed before the new policy wording was released on 1 July, they are subject to the original wording which does not exclude COVID19.

However please note that Indemnity under any policy depends on the specific facts of any particular incident and terms and conditions.”

This response remains in place and is guided by the State and Federal guidelines.

We encourage you to speak directly to your insurance provider should you have event specific queries and visit NSW Health to see updated guidelines in response to each event you hold.

Additionally, NSW Workplace Health and Safety has guidelines and a risk assessment in response to COVID-19 to help guide you and your activities during this time.

Here at Landcare NSW our staff are still working remotely where practicable and we are registered as a COVID-19 safe workplace.

As always, we are only a phone, email, or social media message away.

Stay up to date with current advice as circumstances change and review your activities and risk management accordingly. Visit

Above all, practice healthy hygiene and always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

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