Grassroots Community Landcare: The Linchpin for Disaster Preparedness in NSW and Australia

Grassroots Community Landcare: The Linchpin for Disaster Preparedness in NSW and Australia

Discussion Paper

A response to the “Alternative Commonwealth Capabilities for Crisis Response”, Discussion Paper – August 2023

By Dr Turlough Guerin, CEO, Landcare NSW

As the Federal Government unveils the “Alternative Commonwealth Capabilities for Crisis Response”
(referred to as the discussion paper), it’s crucial to highlight the indispensable role played by our communities in mitigating state and national-level crises.

This Federal Government discussion paper underscores the significance of grassroots initiatives, like those advocated by Landcare NSW, in building resilience and preparing communities against the escalating threats posed by climate change and other natural disasters impacting rural and regional areas.

Landcare NSW argues that further investment in disaster preparedness through the lens of nature-based solutions, delivered by local communities, is a compelling investment of taxpayer dollars, but also insurance against the most extreme effects of natural disasters in NSW and Australia.


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