Associate Membership
Landcare NSW is the peak representative body for the Landcare movement in NSW. We support our Landcare community which is made up of thousands of community-based Landcare groups and individuals.
We recognise and celebrate Landcare as a grassroots-led, volunteer-driven movement with our members making a real difference to natural sustainable resource management via their efforts and dedication.
Landcare NSW aligns and partners with like-minded companies, peak bodies, Federal, State and Local Government entities to promote the Landcare movement and support our members.
Membership Benefits
Our benefits and services are designed to assist groups, supporting their vital “hands on” activities, workshops, social engagement, and educational outcomes.

Work with our team at Landcare NSW and our wider network across your organisation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals in social and environmental practice.
Landcare NSW is uniquely positioned to support companies with meeting their CSR and sustainability targets in all areas of natural resource management protection, preservation, and rehabilitation including carbon offsetting.

Sponsorship and Cross Promotional Opportunities
With thousands of Landcare groups and individual Landcarers across the State, associate members can engage with these passionate groups via event sponsorship and other cross promotional opportunities.
Associate Membership
For further information or assistance
phone 02 8339 4816 (M-F business hours)